Glare (4010 24th St.): A sign in the window says it's now an outlet store "by appointment only." Does this mean they're stuck in the lease? Previously.
The Jewelry Box (3904 24th St.): Big red FOR RENT sign in the window. Guess hijacking someone else's business isn't working out. Previously.
Cafe Ponte (751 Diamond @ 24th St): Still for sale. As is City Grill (4123 24th St.). Previously and previously. Update: Cafe Ponte no longer for sale.
Ritz Camera (3980 24th St): Storefront still empty. No sign of life. Previously.
Tuttimelon (3901 24th St): FroYo still "Coming Soon" and so they've turned their window into a community billboard. Previously.
Tuesday Farmer’s Market: Alive and well on 24th St. in front of the soon-to-be-Whole Foods from 3-7. We’re surprised to find how many people in the neighborhood don’t know it’s happening – spread the word. Previously.
[NVSF: Closing: More Rumors on 24th Street]
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