The Noe Valley Voice
is published ten times a year and has been a neighborhood fixture since 1977. Here are highlights from the latest issue. Links are to stories we've covered here on NVSF.
November 2009Front page: Supervisor candidates faced off early at a
forum at the Noe Valley Recreation Center on Oct. 22 – and William Hemenger of Diamond Heights has also just entered the race; Omnivore cookbook signings; Billy Goat Hill gets $50,000 for trail and habitat restoration from the Measure A Parks Bond passed by voters in 2008.
Feature: Tough times for 24th Street and upper Noe merchants continues – although the Whole Foods opening has brought some life and foot traffic back for many. Retailers hurt by Whole Foods are
24th St Cheese Co. and
Drewes Meats. Whole Foods employs 100 workers--nearly 4 times as many Bell Market.
Letters: A poem to honor the passing of Noe Valley resident Bruce Sherman; a 7 paragraph tangent from the owner of Chloe's Café about working as a caterer on the set of
Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze.
Op-Ed: A reader in a moss-green hemp-based hoodie ogles the faux ground beef, imitation sausage and fake chicken nuggets at Whole Foods – and decides the store is an OK addition to Noe after all.
Cost of Living in Noe: Average sales price 1.16 Million. Rents: down a little but still expensive.
Short Takes: Noel Stroll and a hay ride return to 24th Street on Dec. 5 from 4:30 – 7:30
PM, and Santa will be at Zephyr from 11-2 for more family fun. [
Ed. -- for now the link to Noel Stroll on last year's post redirects to Cooks Boulevard].
Ladybug Gardeners are at the Upper Noe Rec Center on Nov. 14 at 9
AM planting and trimming- volunteers welcome.
Store Trek:
Rumors: Bevan Dufty proposes "removing
conditional use criteria for full-service restaurants and permit small self-service restaurants and self-service specialty food establishments with conditional use" (
Ed.--Translation: more restaurants on and around 24th Street assuming it passes through lengthy planning process and endless community meetings);
Noe Soup will never open-–the owners abandoned the idea when they heard Whole Foods was coming and oh, because of a "complicated vent system;" the
fusion restaurant on Church Street is stalled because of the "downturn in the economy;"
Bistro 24 closed and is for sale for only $198K – although it may reopen (again!?) with a different partner if a buyer isn't found; Mi Lindo Yucatan closed and the space is
under construction;
La Boulange will open this month;
Just Awesome Games reopens in West Portal after running from high rents in Noe (old space owned by Carol and Bill Yenne); Phoenix building (owned by Sue Bowie) still for sale for $2.25 million and the Streetlight building is listed for $2.2 million.
[The Noe Valley Voice]