Burglary, Residence, Forcible Entry -- 12/22/08 2138hrs. 4300 block of 26th Street. Neighbors called police to respond to the victim’s residence as they noticed that the lights were on inside the residence, and the garage door had been in the open position, although there appeared to be no one home. Police discovered that the suspect had shattered the rear glass window of the residence to gain entry, and had exited via the garage door. The victim was not reached at the time of the incident, and unknown property was taken.
Theft from Locked Vehicle -- 12/25/08 2340hrs. Area of Noe Street and Elizabeth Street. A witness called police after seeing a suspect slash through the convertible roof of a vehicle. The witness saw the suspect rummage through packages and taking property from inside the vehicle. The victim confirmed that the suspect stole property from the vehicle. Although the witness gave police a good description of the suspect, no arrest was made as the suspect had fled the scene.
Burglary, Residence -- 12/26/08 0008hrs. 3700 Block of 24th Street. A resident of a lower flat in a building her noises in her neighbors flat. She called police as she knew they were on vacation. The police responded to the scene and detained a male who was inside the garage. The witness confirmed that he did not live at the residence. The suspect was in possession of property belonging to the victim. The suspect was arrested.
Burglary, Vehicle, Possession of stolen property, Possession of Burglary tools, Parole violation -- 12/27/08 0050hrs. 4100 Block of 25th Street. A witness called police regarding a suspect breaking into a vehicle window and then entered the vehicle and saw him take the stereo and other property. The witnesses aided police and arrest was made at the scene.
Burglary, Forcible Entry -- 12/28/08 0000hrs. 700 Block of Diamond Street. The Church was locked and secured. The suspect used a pry bar to gain entry, causing damage to the doors. There was also a damaged window and the money drop was on the floor. The suspect did not get any money, as the money drop was empty at the time. No arrest made at this time.
December 30, 2008
Crime Beat
Information is from Mission and Ingleside District San Francisco Police Station newsletters.
December 29, 2008
Opening: Another Noe Valley Consignment Shop

1104 Sanchez St. is a tiny space that turns over every few months. In the last few years it's been a speech therapist, computer repair and an antique shop. The latest incarnation is a consignment shop called The Garage Sale Store. No information on-site besides the bright yellow sign, so once again it's Craigslist to the rescue: "Hello, I have a Garage Sale Store off of 24th street and Sanchez and I can sell your stuff for you on consignment" for only a ...*ahem*... 50% commission.
What: The Garage Sale Store
Where: 1104 Sanchez St.
Hours: Call for appointment
Contact: Jacob -- (858) 997-5285
[Craigslist: Garage Sale Store (will likely expire soon)]
December 26, 2008
SF Food Bank: Noe Valley Steps Up

Thanks for your contributions to the Food Bank!
We made $150 and Ladybug Ladybug matched that so we were able to donate $300! Thanks to everyone who donated!
We believe that when we all feel stressed and pressured by the awful things that are happening in the world around us and as the credit crisis tightens its hold on each of us, it becomes even more important to look beyond our own worries and to try to support the community that we are lucky to be a part of. Each small thing that someone does to help another person, helps our community and hopefully can start a positive domino effect.
Happy Holidays to you all.
Well done, Noe Valley! And well done Ladybug Ladybug! This note, and the full Food Bank barrels at Bell Market, Cook's Boulevard, Noe Valley Ministries (and probably others we didn't see) tell a great story about the people who live here.
[NVSF: San Francisco Food Bank Drop Off Locations]
Shop Local: Post-Christmas Sales
A quick walk down 24th St this evening showed Noe Valley merchants are having sales just like the big guys in the news. We saw signs advertising up to 50% off, and a couple merchants we spoke to said they're planning on announcing more savings tomorrow. Let's hope our local shops survive at a higher rate than the (mainstream) media is predicting for national chains...
Noe Valley: Christmas 2008
December 24, 2008
Announced: Noeteca

Eater has the scoop: "Down on Dolores, a deal has apparently gone down that will see Last Laugh Coffee turn into something called Noeteca. No word on what the newcomer will entail, but a wine bar/enoteca seems like a solid guess."
We've been watching this listing for a while:
... Recently listed for sale a quaint café nestled in a beautiful historic area of San Francisco. The café has been in business for about 8 years with an established clientele of neighborhood residents. ... If you are in the mood for a bit of spirits, you can even order a cold beer or glass of wine. That’s right! The café Is equipped with a beer and wine license and outside seating.
Is this the same cafe? Is Noe Valley finally getting a wine bar? Sure sounds like it. If you're involved with Noeteca and/or know more about it, please let us know more details -- in the comments or email, please.
Coming Soon:
1551 Dolores St (@ Valley St)
[Eater SF: EaterWire: Noeteca En Route, MSF Holiday Cheer]
[BizBen: Neighborhood Cafe For Sale]
[Photo: Yelp]
Doorstep Menus: Jasmine Tea House
San Francisco restaurants are required to post inspection scores where patrons can see them. But not all restaurants cater to eat-in customers - they do most of their business as take-out or delivery. Here we report inspection scores for restaurants leaving menus on Noe Valley doorsteps. We'll update the post for each eatery as new information becomes available.
Name: Jasmine Tea House
Address: 3253 Mission Street
Current Score: 44/100 (October 2008)
High Risk: Food contact surfaces not clean/sanitized; Improper hot/cold holding temperatures; Improper Cooling Methods
Moderate Risk: Rodents/roaches/flies/other animals; Food contact surfaces not cleaned/sanitized; Inadequate/inaccessible handwashing facilities & supplies
Low Risk: Floors, walls, ceilings improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Improper food storage/improper container ID; Non-food contact surface unclean; Inadequate ventilation/lighting
Previous Inspections:
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]

Address: 3253 Mission Street
Current Score: 44/100 (October 2008)
High Risk: Food contact surfaces not clean/sanitized; Improper hot/cold holding temperatures; Improper Cooling Methods
Moderate Risk: Rodents/roaches/flies/other animals; Food contact surfaces not cleaned/sanitized; Inadequate/inaccessible handwashing facilities & supplies
Low Risk: Floors, walls, ceilings improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Improper food storage/improper container ID; Non-food contact surface unclean; Inadequate ventilation/lighting
Previous Inspections:
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]
December 23, 2008
Closed: Riki

Riki closed it's doors abruptly this past weekend and posted a sign saying "We've Consolidated" to their Berkeley and Davis locations.
That's the fourth space in the last couple months to become available on 24th St. Also closed/closing: Glare, Noe Valley Video, and Streetlight Records. Add to that the change of Kookez to City Grill and Bell Market to Whole Foods. Lots of change in 2009... Let's hope the Real Foods fiasco ends, too.
[NVSF: Closing: Noe Valley Video]
[NVSF: Forget Whole Foods - Noe Needs a Parking Lot]
[NVSF: Blight: Real Foods]
[NVV: Streetlight Set to Close Local Store]
December 22, 2008
Fun with Analytics: Google Club

Search keywords: Noe Valley Google Club
Is there really a Google Club? What do they do? Play poker? Plot hackathons? Sing a cappella? Stage baby stroller races? Swap cupcake recipes? Plan Google Bus routes/stops...?
Opinions? Snark? Speculation? In the comments, please.
Press Release: SF GreaseCycle

SF GreaseCycle is holding another Used Cooking Oil Drop-Off Event the week after Christmas:
Collection opportunities will occur during business hours at Costco Warehouse in San Francisco, and at all Whole Foods Market locations throughout the City over the four days following the day after Christmas, December 27-30. Residents are encouraged to start collecting now in time for the after-Christmas drop-off.More information here.
[SF GreaseCycle: Used Cooking Oil Drop-Off Event]
[NVSF: SF GreaseCycle]
Health Care Community Discussion
The Pacific Academy of Homeopathy is sponsoring a community meeting to discuss the future of health care:
What: Health Care Community Discussion
Where: 1199 Sanchez St (@ 25th St)
When: Sunday, December 28, 4:00-5:30PM
[Pacific Academy of Homeopathy: Health Care Discussion]
[Change.gov: Health Care Discussion Registration]
President-elect Obama has asked all of us to participate in the discussion about health care by holding meetings with friends, family and neighbors between December 15 and December 31.
We are inviting you to join our conversation in Noe Valley, or to host one of your own wherever you are. If you are joining us, we would appreciate an RSVP at 707-750-4455.
What: Health Care Community Discussion
Where: 1199 Sanchez St (@ 25th St)
When: Sunday, December 28, 4:00-5:30PM
[Pacific Academy of Homeopathy: Health Care Discussion]
[Change.gov: Health Care Discussion Registration]
Tweeting Offal
Allan Hough at Mission Mission sent along the Twitter feed from friends sampling Chris Cosentino's Battle: Offal menu at Incanto. Here are some highlights from 3030vision and itsolivia to get you excited for next time it's offered:
3030vision: 1st, lamb heart tartar. Rich and yummy. @itsolivia says heart is the gateway drug of offal
3030vision: 2nd: "Turf & surf" tripe & clam. A little more intimidating. Texture and flavor similar to mushroom?
3030vision: 3rd: Finanziera Piedmontese, cockscombs, duck bits & riso. @itsolivia says testicles are "duck magic"
3030vision: 4th: Country fair gut fry. A lot of unidentied fried stuff, but the sweetbreads are really good!
3030vision: 5th: Pig's trotter with bacon & tarragon. Pig magic! Trotter meat on top of grilled pear and savory cake
3030vision: 6th: Calves' liver & kidneys. Final intimidating course. Not a fan of the liver, kidney is really good!
3030vision: 7th: Meyer lemon sorbet. Final final course. @itsolivia was convinced there was a pork/tripe involved
It's too late to sample duck testicles this year (at least in Noe Valley), but check out Incanto's website for other upcoming special dinners. This week: Feast of the Seven Fishes. Next: New Year's Eve. More to follow.
[Twitter: #wholebeast]
[Incanto: Battle: Offal]

It's too late to sample duck testicles this year (at least in Noe Valley), but check out Incanto's website for other upcoming special dinners. This week: Feast of the Seven Fishes. Next: New Year's Eve. More to follow.
[Twitter: #wholebeast]
[Incanto: Battle: Offal]
December 21, 2008
PSA: Sunset Scavenger's Holiday Collection Schedule

Christmas tree collection is from January 5-9. "Place clean, unflocked trees next to your carts when you take them to the curb for your regularly scheduled pickup." In other words, don't wait until the end of January to haul your dried-out fire hazard to some corner and dump it. If you really must keep a tree that long take it to the SF Recycling Center yourself.
Some other tidbits from the October-December newsletter:
Prevent needlestick injuries: "Residents with medical conditions requiring the use of hypodermic needles can get free sharps containers at 60 pharmacies in the City." (As we read that, the law doesn't apply to using needles for recreational activities.) At any rate, it's now a state law that all needles and sharps are disposed of properly - protect the sanitation workers. (Duh?) In Noe Valley, Walgreen's is your source for sharps containers.
Why compost if it's all going to break down in landfill anyway? "A chicken bone tossed into a garbage can goes to a landfill, decomposes and produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas. That same bone tossed into a green cart goes to a modern compost facility, and most of the carbon in the bone is preserved in the finished compost and returned to the land..."
Shredded paper - bag it (paper bag, of course) and then label bag as "shredded paper." "Small paper shreds are difficult to sort from other recyclables at the recycling plant... Doing this prevents the shreds from blowing away to become litter."
More complete information is available at SFRecycling.com
[NVSF: SF GreaseCycle]
[NVSF: Recycling Theft = $469,000]
[NVSF: Dumping: Why Here?]
December 19, 2008
Doorstep Menus: Emmy's Chinese Restaurant
San Francisco restaurants are required to post inspection scores where patrons can see them. But not all restaurants cater to eat-in customers - they do most of their business as take-out or delivery. Here we report inspection scores for restaurants leaving menus on Noe Valley doorsteps. We'll update the post for each eatery as new information becomes available.
Name: Emmy's Chinese Restaurant
Address: 1923 Ocean Ave
Current Score: 48/100 (July 2008)
High Risk: Rodents/roaches/flies/other animals; Food contact surfaces not clean/sanitized; Improper hot/cold holding temperatures
Moderate Risk: Foods not separated or protected
Low Risk: Non-food contact surface unclean; Floors, walls, ceilings improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Wiping cloths not clean/inadequate sanitizer turbid/not properly stored; Inadequate ventilation/lighting; Unapproved/disrepair equipment/utensils; Permit/inspection not posted
Previous Inspections:
December, 2007: 56/100
May, 2007: 84/100
October, 2006: 81/100
April, 2006: 58/100
July, 2005: 86/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Emmy's Chinese Restaurant]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]

Address: 1923 Ocean Ave
Current Score: 48/100 (July 2008)
High Risk: Rodents/roaches/flies/other animals; Food contact surfaces not clean/sanitized; Improper hot/cold holding temperatures
Moderate Risk: Foods not separated or protected
Low Risk: Non-food contact surface unclean; Floors, walls, ceilings improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Wiping cloths not clean/inadequate sanitizer turbid/not properly stored; Inadequate ventilation/lighting; Unapproved/disrepair equipment/utensils; Permit/inspection not posted
Previous Inspections:
December, 2007: 56/100
May, 2007: 84/100
October, 2006: 81/100
April, 2006: 58/100
July, 2005: 86/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Emmy's Chinese Restaurant]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]
December 18, 2008
Shop Local: girlbiz!
This Saturday girlbiz! comes to Noe Valley:
What: girlbiz!
When: Saturday, December 20, 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Where: Bernie's, 3966 24th St
For more information, or if you'd like to find out how you can sell your wares with girlbiz! contact Deayn. She describes your product as woman/girl-made and "must be of high quality, show clear value at an affordable price, and ... cool, dazzling, yummy, fun, unique and useful!"
Our Dec 20th sale is the first of many promotions for girlbiz! We are a start up company that focuses on promoting and selling quality products of great value and of course we can't forget fun, cool, dazzling, etc, created by women and girls of all ages. At this Holiday promotion we have 10 women from both SF and the Bay Area and we will be selling; scarves, jewelry, themed gift baskets, amazing gourmet baked goods, artwork, handbags, custom made barrettes, jam, jewelry boxes.
Bernie, owner of Bernie's local coffee shop is supporting our mission of promoting women in business, as she is also a women entreprenuer, by offering girlbiz! space in her coffee shop to host our holiday launch.
What: girlbiz!
When: Saturday, December 20, 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Where: Bernie's, 3966 24th St
For more information, or if you'd like to find out how you can sell your wares with girlbiz! contact Deayn. She describes your product as woman/girl-made and "must be of high quality, show clear value at an affordable price, and ... cool, dazzling, yummy, fun, unique and useful!"

December 16, 2008
Win a Free Dinner for 6 at Contigo
Like last year, I will cook a multi-course dinner for the winner. The exciting difference between this year and last is that that this year the winner will dine not at my house, but at my real live honest to goodness restaurant Contigo. As you read this, we are putting the finishing touches on Contigo and will be opening right around the time that Pim announces the winners.Check out In Praise of Sardines for all the details.
And in case the bold type didn't catch your attention, Brett hopes to open Contigo sometime around January 12, 2009.
[IPoS: Menu for Hope 2008 - feed the children of Lesotho]
[Firstgiving: Menu for Hope]
[NVSF: Contigo: Upside Down, Backwards & Hopeful]
December 15, 2008
This Week at the Planning Commission
A weekly look at Noe Valley projects in front of the Planning Commission. Information is provided by the Planning Commission, and taken from its published agenda. All hearings begin at 1:30pm, Room 400 in City Hall.

December 18[NVSF: Hiding in Plain Sight]
4033 26th STREET -- south side between Noe and Sanchez Streets; Lot 035 in Assessor's Block 6564 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2008.03.17.7283 proposing to add two additional stories of enclosed living space with a horizontal addition to the rear of the subject building. The project proposes to add one vertical story flush with the front building wall and a second vertical story that is set back approximately 12' from the front building wall. The project also proposes to add a second off-street parking space. The subject building is a single-family home located within an RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Take Discretionary Review and approve the project with modifications.
December 14, 2008
For Sale: 1260-1270 Dolores & More Than A Few Headaches

Located on this highly desirable palm tree lined street, you'll find the perfect homecoming for elegant and contemporary living with magnificent bay and hillside views. Perfectly located Noe Valley condominium units with walk-out balconies and landscaped areas.But the MLS listing (May 9, 2007) says:
Contstruction site - owner/builder must be present at showings ... Do not enter construction site without an appointment and authorization!Nothing has changed there. Check out what we've found since we last looked at this property:
August 29, 2007 - Board of AppealsMinutes aren't available for the Board of Appeals from August 1, 2007 and April 16, 2008, but it's clear from all the appeals that the developer wasn't getting the answer he wanted. But what happened then? There's no other record, and the Notice of Violation is still active.
Appealing a Notice of Violation dated June 1, 2007, addressed to Dolores Street Holdings LLC, regarding the unauthorized demolition of a previously existing (non-complying) one-story rear addition at the subject property.
September 12, 2007 - Board of Appeals
Appealing a Notice of Violation dated June 1, 2007...
October 24, 2007 - Planning Dept - Appeal for Zoning Variance
2007.1102V: 1266B DOLORES STREET on the west side of Dolores Street, between Clipper and 26th Streets; Lot 051 in Assessor’s Block 3557 in an RM-2 (Residential, Mixed, Moderate Density) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
REAR YARD VARIANCE: The proposal would reconstruct a nonconforming two-story rear portion of the building demolished during remodeling. The demolished rear portion of the building extended into the legally required rear yard and was originally intended to remain but was inadvertently demolished.
Section 134 of the Planning Code requires a rear yard of 22 feet where a rear yard of 3.5 feet is proposed.
January 30, 2008 - Board of Appeals
Appealing the denial on Nov. 9, 2007, of Rear Yard Variance (reconstruct a non-conforming two-story rear portion of the building which was demolished during remodeling).
February 20, 2008 - Board of Appeals
REHEARING REQUEST: Subject property at 1266B Dolores Street. Letter from Lu Blazej, agent for Dolores Street Holdings LLC, appellant, requesting rehearing of Appeal No. V07-214, decided Jan. 30, 2008. At that time, upon motion by Commissioner Knox, the Board voted 5-0 to uphold the denial of the subject variance.
February 21, 2008 - Planning Commission
Board of Appeals report: Rehearing request for 1266b. Dolores Street. The Board found that there was no new information.
Which? Sucks for them. At least one of the buildings is still open to the rain, but they have (finally!) repaired the sidewalk and cleaned up the curb.
Neighbors of the construction have a two-post blog last updated a year ago that's worth a read. This project seems to have run into more than just NIMBY-ism:
I think many of us are frustrated with the developer's seemingly good luck in getting everything he has wanted so far. He has bullied, verbally abused, ignored city regulations and Notices of Violation and then to hear his lawyer state that any stop work orders have caused an undue hardship on the developer insinuating that the city and neighbor's are causing him to lose money when in reality it is his own doing. When you cut corners and get caught... who's fault is that - perhaps not cutting corner's in building these two monstrosities in the first place would have been prudent.And you gotta love this great quote from the same blog:
This is about ethics, breaking the law and as both the developer and project manager have said "We can do what ever the "bleep" we want to and there is nothing you can do about it."Should be an interesting disclosure packet. Again, from the above blog post:
Buyer Beware. The workmanship is low-end, the price per apartment is high and and the developer is shortcutting to get his way.We've tried contacting the seller but haven't heard back. Perhaps he'll comment here.

[NVSF: 1266 Dolores St.]
[NoeValleyNeighbors: Version 1, Version 2]
[Official Site: 1260-1270 Dolores St]
December 13, 2008
Sad Day at the Farmer's Market
James Blake Conell Egoian, eldest son of Jim and Carol Egoian, was killed in a car accident on December 6, 2008. Blake helped his family work the stand at Twin Girl's Farm, as well as helping out at other vendors' stands at the Noe Valley Farmer's Market. He was 17 years old.
According to the obituary "a memorial has been established in Blake's memory at Bank of the Sierra to honor him with his graduating class and classes to come. Donations may be sent to Bank of the Sierra, 1095 W. Manning Ave, Reedley, CA 93654."
According to the obituary "a memorial has been established in Blake's memory at Bank of the Sierra to honor him with his graduating class and classes to come. Donations may be sent to Bank of the Sierra, 1095 W. Manning Ave, Reedley, CA 93654."
December 12, 2008
Doorstep Menus: Red Jade
San Francisco restaurants are required to post inspection scores where patrons can see them. But not all restaurants cater to eat-in customers - they do most of their business as take-out or delivery. Here we report inspection scores for restaurants leaving menus on Noe Valley doorsteps. We'll update the post for each eatery as new information becomes available.
Name: Red Jade
Address: 245 Church Street
Current Score: 96/100 (June 2008)
High Risk: none
Moderate Risk: none
Low Risk: Improper food storage / improper container ID; other
Previous Inspections:
January, 2008: 96/100
May, 2007: 93/100
July, 2006: 94/100
January, 2006: 96/100
August, 2005: 92/100
April, 2005: 90/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Red Jade]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]

Address: 245 Church Street
Current Score: 96/100 (June 2008)
High Risk: none
Moderate Risk: none
Low Risk: Improper food storage / improper container ID; other
Previous Inspections:
January, 2008: 96/100
May, 2007: 93/100
July, 2006: 94/100
January, 2006: 96/100
August, 2005: 92/100
April, 2005: 90/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Red Jade]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]
December 10, 2008
What's Up With the Bleepin' Helicopters?!?
A comment on a another post (deleted and promoted to here) hit at an issue we'd like to tackle:
In the interest of the ultimate in voyeurism (and NIMBYism) we'd like some input: how best to find out what's going on when there's helicoptors overhead? Twitter, news sites, hotlines, whatever - we want to know. Put your suggestions in the comments, please.
In the meantime, we're going to research the laws that govern helicopter swarms. Our feeling is that if they're SFPD, Coast Guard or Lifeflight ... fine - news vultures can buzz off.
kdogluv said...We know that many of the "flying rocks" have been in and around the 'hood to monitor the MILK premiere, No on 8 protests and the anniversary of the deaths of Harvey Milk & George Moscone. Tonight they seemed to be focusing on the Caesar Chavez and Mission area (at least from our window), but KCBS, KGO, the Chron and other news sources had nothing to say about it - five helicoptors don't seem to warrant any real news.Does anyone know why so many helicopters have been hovering [over] Noe Valley recently? Thx
In the interest of the ultimate in voyeurism (and NIMBYism) we'd like some input: how best to find out what's going on when there's helicoptors overhead? Twitter, news sites, hotlines, whatever - we want to know. Put your suggestions in the comments, please.
In the meantime, we're going to research the laws that govern helicopter swarms. Our feeling is that if they're SFPD, Coast Guard or Lifeflight ... fine - news vultures can buzz off.
We just changed our subscriber feed to Feedburner, and we're working on adding code to continue to feed through the 'old' Blogger feed. But for the future, please subscribe to us at http://feeds.feedburner.com/NoeValleySF.
Noe Valley SF
Noe Valley SF
Noe Valley Voted: Certified Results

Since the borders of Noe Valley vary based on the map used, the results aren't 100% perfect. We defined the following precincts as within the borders of District 5C: 3837, 3838, 3839, 3841, 3842, 3843, 3845, 3846, 3847, 3848, 3849, 3851, 3852, 3853, 3854, 3855, 3856, 3858, 3859, 3861 and 3865 (precincts are defined on the District 8 Supervisor map in previous link). Similarly, not all of Noe Valley is in the same Senate or Assembly Districts, and so we've included all races contested here.
Please note that this is not an official count of Noe Valley votes. That large spreadsheet required a lot of manipulation and it's entirely possible there are errors on our part. But we believe this represents a good snapshot of how Noe Valley voted compared with the rest of the City of San Francisco and State of California. Unless otherwise noted below, Noe voted in line with the winner. Individuals who were elected to office are in bold.
Here we go. It's a long one.
Voter Turn Out
Registered: 18,265
Ballots Cast: 16,209
Turnout: 88.74% (Citywide: 81.25%)
Election Day Reporting: 8,888
Vote by Mail / Absentee Reporting: 7,321 (40.08%) (Citywide: 37.39)
National Office
Barack Obama – 91.1%
John McCain – 6.4%
Ralph Nader – 0.9%
No Vote – 0.3%
US Rep, District 8
Nancy Pelosi – 71.5%
Cindy Sheehan – 15.8%
Dana Walsh – 5.5%
No Vote – 5.4%
US Rep, District 12 (precincts 3852, 3854, 3858)
Jackie Speier – 75.9%
Greg Conlon – 7.5%
Barry Hermanson – 2.5%
No Vote – 10.2%
California Office
Barack Obama – 91.1%
John McCain – 6.4%
Ralph Nader – 0.9%
No Vote – 0.3%
US Rep, District 8
Nancy Pelosi – 71.5%
Cindy Sheehan – 15.8%
Dana Walsh – 5.5%
No Vote – 5.4%
US Rep, District 12 (precincts 3852, 3854, 3858)
Jackie Speier – 75.9%
Greg Conlon – 7.5%
Barry Hermanson – 2.5%
No Vote – 10.2%
California Office
State Senate, District 3
Mark Leno – 84.3%
Sashi McEntee – 7.4%
No Vote – 8.2%
State Assembly, District 13
Tom Ammiano – 76.8%
Harmeet Dhillon – 12.4%
No Vote – 10.6%
Superior Court Judge, Seat 12
Gerardo Sandoval – 47.1%
Thomas Mellon – 29.7%
No Vote – 22.8%
San Francisco Office
Member, Board of Education (Top Four)
Norman Yee – 43.5%
Sandra Fewer – 37.2%
Rachel Norton – 28.0%
Barbara Lopez – 21.3%
No Vote – Can’t Calculate
Member, Community College Board (Top Four)
Milton Marks – 45.4%
Natalie Berg – 35.9%
Chris Jackson – 29.2%
Steve Ngo – 27.2%
No Vote – Can’t Calculate
Bart Director, District 9
Tom Radulovich – 54.9%
Peter Kilvans – 7.4%
No Vote – 37.4%
California Propositions
Proposition 1A – Bond to Fund High Speed Rail
Yes – 79.2%
No – 16.6%
No Vote – 4.2%
Proposition 2 – Standards for Confining Farm Animals
Yes – 75.5%
No – 20.3%
No Vote – 4.1%
Proposition 3 – Children’s Hospital Bond
Yes – 54.7%
No – 37.3%
No Vote – 7.9%
Proposition 4 – Require Parental Notification for Termination of Minor’s Pregnancy
Yes – 11.6%
No – 85.2%
No Vote – 3.3%
Proposition 5 – Revise Sentencing, Parole & Rehab of Non-Violent Drug Offenses
Yes – 63.9% (Proposition Failed)
No – 29.8%
No Vote – 6.4%
Proposition 6 – Police and Law Enforcement Funding
Yes – 12.5%
No – 77.6%
No Vote – 9.9%
Proposition 7 – Renewable Energy
Yes – 21.9%
No – 71.6%
No Vote – 6.4%
Proposition 8 – Eliminate Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry
Yes – 9.0%
No – 89.8% (Proposition Passed)
No Vote – 1.2%
Proposition 9 – Victims’ Rights in Criminal Justice System
Yes – 22.3%
No – 68.0% (Proposition Passed)
No Vote – 9.7%
Proposition 10 – Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Renewable Energy Bond
Yes – 26.2%
No – 65.9%
No Vote – 7.9%
Proposition 11 – Redistricting
Yes – 30.3%
No – 57.7% (Proposition Passed)
No Vote – 12.0%
Proposition 12 – Veteran’s Bond Act of 2008
Yes – 64.2%
No – 25.6%
No Vote – 10.2%
San Francisco Ballot Measures
Measure A – General Hospital Bond
Yes – 83.3%
No – 12.3%
No Vote – 4.4%
Measure B – Affordable Housing
Yes – 44.4%
No – 48.0%
No Vote – 7.5%
Measure C – Prohibit City Employees from Serving on Charter Boards and Commissions
Yes – 25.0%
No – 62.7%
No Vote – 12.2%
Measure D – Finance Pier 70 Development
Yes – 67.6%
No – 21.8%
No Vote – 10.5%
Measure E – Changing Number of Signatures Required to Recall City Officials
Yes – 56.7%
No – 30.8%
No Vote – 12.5%
Measure F – Hold Scheduled City Election in Even-Numbered Years
Yes – 45.8% (Measure Failed)
No – 41.2%
No Vote – 12.9%
Measure G – Retirement System Credit for Unpaid Parental Leave
Yes – 59.3%
No – 27.5%
No Vote – 13.1%
Measure H – Changing Revenue Bond Authority to Pay for Public Utility Facilities
Yes – 41.9%
No – 49.9%
No Vote – 8.2%
Measure I – Create the Office of an Independent Rate Payer Advocate
Yes – 27.3%
No – 58.25
No Vote – 14.5%
Measure J – Create a Historic Preservation Commission
Yes – 55.6%
No – 33.5%
No Vote – 10.9%
Measure K – Change the Enforcement of Laws Related to Prostitution
Yes – 41.7%
No – 49.9%
No Vote – 8.3%
Measure L – Fund the Community Justice Center
Yes – 35.8%
No – 48.5%
No Vote – 15.7%
Measure M – Prohibit Specific Acts of Harassment of Tenants by Landlords
Yes – 53.0%
No – 36.4%
No Vote – 10.7%
Measure N – Change Real Property Transfer Tax Rate
Yes – 67.3%
No – 21.8%
No Vote – 10.9%
Measure O – Comply with Fees/Taxes Related to 911 Service
Yes – 64.1%
No – 20.9%
No Vote – 15.0%
Measure P – Change the Composition of County Transportation Authority Board
Yes – 20.8%
No – 63.0%
No Vote – 16.2%
Measure Q – Modify Payroll Expense Tax
Yes – 69.2%
No – 16.6%
No Vote – 14.2%
Measure R – Rename Oceanside Water Treatment Plant
Yes – 29.5%
No – 61.8%
No Vote – 8.6%
Measure S – Require Funding Source for Budget Set-Asides
Yes – 44.6%
No – 37.4%
No Vote – 18.0%
Measure T – Free and Low-Cost Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
Yes – 58.8%
No – 28.8%
No Vote – 11.3%
Measure U – Policy Against Funding of Armed Forces in Iraq
Yes – 53.5%
No – 35.0%
No Vote – 11.5%
Measure V - Policy Against Termination of JROTC in Public High Schools
Yes – 40.1%
No – 48.4% (Measure Passed)
No Vote – 11.5%
Mark Leno – 84.3%
Sashi McEntee – 7.4%
No Vote – 8.2%
State Assembly, District 13
Tom Ammiano – 76.8%
Harmeet Dhillon – 12.4%
No Vote – 10.6%
Superior Court Judge, Seat 12
Gerardo Sandoval – 47.1%
Thomas Mellon – 29.7%
No Vote – 22.8%
San Francisco Office
Member, Board of Education (Top Four)
Norman Yee – 43.5%
Sandra Fewer – 37.2%
Rachel Norton – 28.0%
Barbara Lopez – 21.3%
No Vote – Can’t Calculate
Member, Community College Board (Top Four)
Milton Marks – 45.4%
Natalie Berg – 35.9%
Chris Jackson – 29.2%
Steve Ngo – 27.2%
No Vote – Can’t Calculate
Bart Director, District 9
Tom Radulovich – 54.9%
Peter Kilvans – 7.4%
No Vote – 37.4%
California Propositions
Proposition 1A – Bond to Fund High Speed Rail
Yes – 79.2%
No – 16.6%
No Vote – 4.2%
Proposition 2 – Standards for Confining Farm Animals
Yes – 75.5%
No – 20.3%
No Vote – 4.1%
Proposition 3 – Children’s Hospital Bond
Yes – 54.7%
No – 37.3%
No Vote – 7.9%
Proposition 4 – Require Parental Notification for Termination of Minor’s Pregnancy
Yes – 11.6%
No – 85.2%
No Vote – 3.3%
Proposition 5 – Revise Sentencing, Parole & Rehab of Non-Violent Drug Offenses
Yes – 63.9% (Proposition Failed)
No – 29.8%
No Vote – 6.4%
Proposition 6 – Police and Law Enforcement Funding
Yes – 12.5%
No – 77.6%
No Vote – 9.9%
Proposition 7 – Renewable Energy
Yes – 21.9%
No – 71.6%
No Vote – 6.4%
Proposition 8 – Eliminate Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry
Yes – 9.0%
No – 89.8% (Proposition Passed)
No Vote – 1.2%
Proposition 9 – Victims’ Rights in Criminal Justice System
Yes – 22.3%
No – 68.0% (Proposition Passed)
No Vote – 9.7%
Proposition 10 – Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Renewable Energy Bond
Yes – 26.2%
No – 65.9%
No Vote – 7.9%
Proposition 11 – Redistricting
Yes – 30.3%
No – 57.7% (Proposition Passed)
No Vote – 12.0%
Proposition 12 – Veteran’s Bond Act of 2008
Yes – 64.2%
No – 25.6%
No Vote – 10.2%
San Francisco Ballot Measures
Measure A – General Hospital Bond
Yes – 83.3%
No – 12.3%
No Vote – 4.4%
Measure B – Affordable Housing
Yes – 44.4%
No – 48.0%
No Vote – 7.5%
Measure C – Prohibit City Employees from Serving on Charter Boards and Commissions
Yes – 25.0%
No – 62.7%
No Vote – 12.2%
Measure D – Finance Pier 70 Development
Yes – 67.6%
No – 21.8%
No Vote – 10.5%
Measure E – Changing Number of Signatures Required to Recall City Officials
Yes – 56.7%
No – 30.8%
No Vote – 12.5%
Measure F – Hold Scheduled City Election in Even-Numbered Years
Yes – 45.8% (Measure Failed)
No – 41.2%
No Vote – 12.9%
Measure G – Retirement System Credit for Unpaid Parental Leave
Yes – 59.3%
No – 27.5%
No Vote – 13.1%
Measure H – Changing Revenue Bond Authority to Pay for Public Utility Facilities
Yes – 41.9%
No – 49.9%
No Vote – 8.2%
Measure I – Create the Office of an Independent Rate Payer Advocate
Yes – 27.3%
No – 58.25
No Vote – 14.5%
Measure J – Create a Historic Preservation Commission
Yes – 55.6%
No – 33.5%
No Vote – 10.9%
Measure K – Change the Enforcement of Laws Related to Prostitution
Yes – 41.7%
No – 49.9%
No Vote – 8.3%
Measure L – Fund the Community Justice Center
Yes – 35.8%
No – 48.5%
No Vote – 15.7%
Measure M – Prohibit Specific Acts of Harassment of Tenants by Landlords
Yes – 53.0%
No – 36.4%
No Vote – 10.7%
Measure N – Change Real Property Transfer Tax Rate
Yes – 67.3%
No – 21.8%
No Vote – 10.9%
Measure O – Comply with Fees/Taxes Related to 911 Service
Yes – 64.1%
No – 20.9%
No Vote – 15.0%
Measure P – Change the Composition of County Transportation Authority Board
Yes – 20.8%
No – 63.0%
No Vote – 16.2%
Measure Q – Modify Payroll Expense Tax
Yes – 69.2%
No – 16.6%
No Vote – 14.2%
Measure R – Rename Oceanside Water Treatment Plant
Yes – 29.5%
No – 61.8%
No Vote – 8.6%
Measure S – Require Funding Source for Budget Set-Asides
Yes – 44.6%
No – 37.4%
No Vote – 18.0%
Measure T – Free and Low-Cost Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
Yes – 58.8%
No – 28.8%
No Vote – 11.3%
Measure U – Policy Against Funding of Armed Forces in Iraq
Yes – 53.5%
No – 35.0%
No Vote – 11.5%
Measure V - Policy Against Termination of JROTC in Public High Schools
Yes – 40.1%
No – 48.4% (Measure Passed)
No Vote – 11.5%
[SF Department of Elections: Election Summary]
[SF Department of Elections: Offical Statement of Results -- Warning: 13MB PDF]
[CA Secretarty of State: November, 2008, Offical Results]
[NVSF: Update: Noe Valley Voted]
December 9, 2008
San Francisco Food Bank Drop Off Locations

Contrary to what we posted in our monthly roundup of news from the Noe Valley Voice, the San Francisco Food Bank has three year-round drop off locations in Noe Valley:
I came across your blog posting where you state that the SF Food Bank has no food drop off locations in Noe Valley. We actually have three locations -- Bell Market, Terra Mia, and Noe Valley Ministry. ...Terra Mia doesn't have a barrel, but Bell Market and Noe Valley Ministry always have barrels... If folks have any questions, they can email us at fooddrives@sffb.org.As the Events & Food Drive Manager points out:
Also, this is listed under "Noe Valley" on the document you link to from your page.Quite right! Not sure how we managed that one but there it is.
[San Francisco Food Bank]
[NVSF: NVV: We Read It So You Don't Have To]
December 8, 2008
This Week at the Planning Commission

Item #10:
DISCRETIONARY REVIEW REFORM - Hearing for the Commission to consider staff recommendations for modification to the discretionary review process. This is an action plan item.
Preliminary Recommendation: No Action Required
We received the following letter in the mail that attempts to explain what this is all about:
December 3, 2008
Dear Interested Parties.
It has come to our attention that some of you may not have received notice of the Discretionary Review Reform outreach meetings held on 10/29/08, 11/5/08, 11/12/08 and 11/19/08. At these meetings, members of the community reviewed and commented on the Department's draft proposal to improve the Distretionary Review process. The key recommendations are as follows:On December 11, 2008, the Planning Commission will hold an informal hearing on on the Department's draft proposal to improve the Discretionary Review process in Room 400 at City Hall at 1:30PM. Please refer to the Planning Commission calendar for when the item would be heard. Your participation is welcome.
- Document decisions of the Residential Design Committee to increase transparency and understanding for the public about how the Department applies the Residential Design Guidelines and neighborhood specific guidelines;
- Establish triggers for mandatory Residential Design Committee review to achieve internal consistency, clarify ambiguities, and identify policy issues;
- Require improved Discretionary Review applications that demonstrate exceptional and extraordinary circumstances to ensure that sponsors of appropriate projects to not face protracted delay;
- Commission to delegate to a Hearing Officer Discretionary Review cases that demonstrate exceptional and extraordinary circumstances to streamline the process; and,
- Commission to maintain review of the Discretionary Review cases that require policy advice, while delegation of other Discretionary Review cases to Hearing Officer will allow Commission to focus more attention on higher-level policy issues.
Based on public feedback, we will discuss with the Commission amendments to our proposal, including: improvements to the pre-application process and optional intake meetings for Disctretionary Review requestors.
The Discretionary Review Reform outreach meeting materials are available on the Planning Department's website: http://sfgov.org/site/uploadedfiles/planning/DRoutreachmaterials.pdf.
Please contact Elaine Forbes at 415.558.6417 or Elaine.forbes@sfgov.org if you have any questions or comments.
John S. Rahaim
Planning Director
December 7, 2008
NVV: We Read It So You Don't Have To

The Noe Valley Voice is published ten times a year, and while we love the idea -- it's pretty lightweight. Here's everything you want to know from the latest issue.
December 2008 / January 2009
- Front Page: Noe Valley Farmer's Market 5 years strong; founders/volunteers still lament Real Foods.
- Obits: Historian Paul Kantus; Architect Albert Lanier.
- Planned: Bell Market closes on Valentine's Day, Whole Foods takes over March 1st and plans to be open by September - expect community meetings with the NVMPA and Friends of Noe Valley; FoNV is also meeting with the City to replace the individual news boxes on 24th St with "news-rack pedestals;" Streetlight Record's space may be turning into a clothing retailer.
- Opening: Kookez is slated to become City Grill, according to Stefano Coppola (Lupa), and promises "classic American fare" by mid-December; Just Awesome Games is opening in mid-December at 816 Diamond St.
- Open: Jeff & Eddie's Henry's Hunan; Cary Lane; Jewelry Box.
- Closing: Glare.
- Events: Noel Stroll - Dec 13
- Charity: Drop off toys at Hill & Co;
SF Food Bank (PDF) has no drop-off locations in Noe Valley.The SF Food Bank has three year-round drop off locations in Noe Valley: Terra Mia, Bell Market and Noe Valley Ministry. More info here. (Our mistake, not the NVV's.) - Cost of living in Noe: single-family residences unchanged year-on-year; condos up. And don't forget the new record $5.8M SFR. Rent: slowly increasing.
- Award: Noe Valley Association: "Best Community Benefit District" in San Francisco.
- News of the Weird: John Adams has been reincarnated as NV resident Walter Semkiw (really - there's a full page about it).
[The Noe Valley Voice]
December 6, 2008
Doorstep Menus: Mikado Sushi
San Francisco restaurants are required to post inspection scores where patrons can see them. But not all restaurants cater to eat-in customers - they do most of their business as take-out or delivery. Here we report inspection scores for restaurants leaving menus on Noe Valley doorsteps. We'll update the post for each eatery as new information becomes available.
Name: Mikado Sushi
Address: 1684 Bryant Street
Current Score: 78/100 (December 2008)
High Risk: Rodents/Roaches/Flies/Other Animals
Moderate Risk: Food contact surfaces not cleaned/sanitized
Low Risk: Thermometers required; Floors, walls, ceilings improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Wiping cloths not clean/inadequate sanitizer turbid/not properly stored
Previous Inspections:
March, 2008: 82/100
August, 2007: 92/100
December 2006: 89/100
September, 2005: 100/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Mikado Sushi]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]

Address: 1684 Bryant Street
Current Score: 78/100 (December 2008)
High Risk: Rodents/Roaches/Flies/Other Animals
Moderate Risk: Food contact surfaces not cleaned/sanitized
Low Risk: Thermometers required; Floors, walls, ceilings improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Wiping cloths not clean/inadequate sanitizer turbid/not properly stored
Previous Inspections:
March, 2008: 82/100
August, 2007: 92/100
December 2006: 89/100
September, 2005: 100/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Mikado Sushi]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]
Doorstep Menus: Jade Cafe #2
San Francisco restaurants are required to post inspection scores where patrons can see them. But not all restaurants cater to eat-in customers - they do most of their business as take-out or delivery. Here we report inspection scores for restaurants leaving menus on Noe Valley doorsteps. We'll update the post for each eatery as new information becomes available.
Name: Jade Cafe #2
Address: 1688 Bryant Street
Current Score: 90/100 (December2008)
High Risk: none
Moderate Risk: Food contact surfaces not cleaned/sanitized
Low Risk: Floors, Walls, Ceilings Improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Wiping Cloths not clean/inadequate sanitizer turbid/not properly stored; Thermometers required
Previous Inspections:
February, 2008: 68/100
August, 2007: 92/100
December 2006: 91/100
August, 2005: 70/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Jade Cafe #2]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]

Address: 1688 Bryant Street
Current Score: 90/100 (December2008)
High Risk: none
Moderate Risk: Food contact surfaces not cleaned/sanitized
Low Risk: Floors, Walls, Ceilings Improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Wiping Cloths not clean/inadequate sanitizer turbid/not properly stored; Thermometers required
Previous Inspections:
February, 2008: 68/100
August, 2007: 92/100
December 2006: 91/100
August, 2005: 70/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Jade Cafe #2]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]
Doorstep Menus: Dak Win Restaurant
San Francisco restaurants are required to post inspection scores where patrons can see them. But not all restaurants cater to eat-in customers - they do most of their business as take-out or delivery. Here we report inspection scores for restaurants leaving menus on Noe Valley doorsteps. We'll update the post for each eatery as new information becomes available.
Name: Dak Win Restaurant
Address: 2845 Mission Street
Current Score: 52/100 (October 2008)
High Risk: Rodents/Roaches/Flies/Other Animals; Food contact surfaces not clean/sanitized
Moderate Risk: Food in poor condition/unsafe/adulterated; Lack of food safety knowledge: no food safety certification; Improper hot/cold holding temperatures; Unapproved thawing methods used
Low Risk: Improper Food Storage/Improper Container ID; Floors, Walls, Ceilings Improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Unapproved/disrepair equipment/utensils; Permit/inspection not posted
Previous Inspections:
July, 2007: 57/100
April 2006: 93/100
December, 2005: 95/100
June, 2005: 91/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Dak Win Restaurant]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]

Address: 2845 Mission Street
Current Score: 52/100 (October 2008)
High Risk: Rodents/Roaches/Flies/Other Animals; Food contact surfaces not clean/sanitized
Moderate Risk: Food in poor condition/unsafe/adulterated; Lack of food safety knowledge: no food safety certification; Improper hot/cold holding temperatures; Unapproved thawing methods used
Low Risk: Improper Food Storage/Improper Container ID; Floors, Walls, Ceilings Improperly constructed, in disrepair, not clean; Unapproved/disrepair equipment/utensils; Permit/inspection not posted
Previous Inspections:
July, 2007: 57/100
April 2006: 93/100
December, 2005: 95/100
June, 2005: 91/100
Getting a doorstep menu that we're not? Send us a picture of the menu and we'll post about it.
[Health Code: SB 180]
[SFDPH Scores: Environmental Health]
[Clean Scores: Dak Win Restaurant]
[NVSF: All Doorstep Menu Posts]
December 5, 2008
Election 2010: And So It Begins
As the dust settles on Election 2008, candidates are already gearing up for the 2010 District 8 Supervisor race. From the Bay Area Reporter:
[BAR: Candidates plan 2010 supes races]
[NVSF: Update: Noe Valley Voted]
[NVSF: Fun With Maps: Where is Noe Valley?]
Both Deputy City Attorney Scott Wiener and Rafael Mandelman, current Milk Club president, have declared their candidacies in District 8 to replace openly gay Supervisor Bevan Dufty, who is termed out and plans to run for mayor in 2011.Candidates can't start raising money until May 2009, so for now it's all talk. And of course there have to be some non-LGBT candidates in the mix. Stay tuned...
...Also looking at jumping into the race is Deputy District Attorney Rebecca Prozan, who owns a home with her partner near the heart of the Castro.
...Laura Spanjian, who works for the city's Public Utilities Commission, is also contemplating a run. Another past co-chair of Alice, she said last week she has yet to decide.
...Several other gay people mentioned as potential candidates in D8 include Alex Randolph, Mayor Gavin Newsom's liaison to the district and the LGBT community; BART board member Tom Radulovich, who lost his bid for the seat to Dufty in 2002; and Sierra Club executive committee member Rick Galbreath.
[BAR: Candidates plan 2010 supes races]
[NVSF: Update: Noe Valley Voted]
[NVSF: Fun With Maps: Where is Noe Valley?]
Street Trees: Church Street

Our only gripe is that they're all Magnolias - they'll smell nice a few times a year and drop non-degrading leaves the rest. Noe Valley residents and businesses already have enough trouble cleaning up the detritus that blows in from the west and settles on Church St.
Since Church Street is also part of the City's effort to save money by cleaning the streets only every other week, hopefully the tree maintenance people will do some raking.
[NVSF: Street Trees: Green Your Sidewalk!]
[NVSF: Dirtier Streets, Confusion to Ensue]
December 2, 2008
Crime Beat
Information is from Mission and Ingleside District San Francisco Police Station newsletters.
November 27
Batttery - 1600 block of Church St. Officer Castillo investigated an elder abuse case and arrested a 47 year old Noe Valley man for felony battery.
November 30
Battery - 2100 block of Castro St. Officer Dominguez investigated a Domestic Violence incident and arrested a 37 year old Noe Valley man for felony battery.
Noe Valley Farmers' Market: 5th Anniversary

At 11:00, we'll have ten minutes of "no commerce" so we can honor our 5th Anniversary. A couple of the market's founders will be speaking. Bevan Dufty might come to speak although we haven't yet heard a definite confirmation. We will then cut and serve cake and hand out balloons.What: 5th Anniversary, NV Farmers' Market
Nothing very fancy, but a short and sweet birthday party.
When: Saturday, December 6, 11:00AM
Where: 24th St, between Sanchez and Vicksburg Streets
Bonus: Free cake and balloons, possible Bevan sighting
[Noe Valley Farmer's Market]
Shop Local: Noel Stroll

December 13, 5-9pm
Santa: 5-8pm at Zephyr
Bonus: Carolers, Cocoa & Cider
San Francisco’s Noe Valley holds it’s 3rd annual holiday event, the Noel Stroll on December 13, 2008 from 5pm-9pm. 24th and Church Streets unique mix of boutiques, gift shops and restaurants will be staying open late, hosting an enjoyable evening of festive libations and special in-store promotions. Enjoy strolling local carolers and musicians, hot cocoa, cider, latkas and other holiday festivities. Santa will be available from 5 pm to 8 pm for wishes (and earlier for photo opportunities from 11 am to 2 pm) at Zephyr Real Estate. Readings of A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas will occur at, 5:30 pm at Cover To Cover, 6:30 pm at Fima Photography, and 7:30 pm at When Modern Was. Join us for a festive evening in Noel Valley!
[Noel Stroll]
December 1, 2008
This Week at the Planning Commission
A weekly look at Noe Valley projects in front of the Planning Commission. Information is provided by the Planning Commission, and taken from its published agenda. All hearings begin at 1:30pm, Room 400 in City Hall.

[NVSF: Dwelling Unit Mergers]
[NVSF: All Dwelling Unit Merger Posts]

December 4
977, 977A, 997-1/2 DOLORES STREET - east side between 22nd and 23rd Streets, Lot 019, in Assessor’s Block 3631 - The Planning Commission will consider a Mandatory Discretionary Review, pursuant to Planning Code Section 317, requiring review of dwelling unit mergers, of Building Permit Application No. 2008.05.06.1361, proposing to merge three dwelling units into two dwelling units. The property is located within a RM-1 (Residential, Mixed, Low Density) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Take Discretionary Review and Disapprove.
[NVSF: Dwelling Unit Mergers]
[NVSF: All Dwelling Unit Merger Posts]
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