Tomorrow, May 16th, is the kickoff day for
San Francisco Small Business Week and Noe Valley is celebrating. In addition to all the 24th St merchants usually open, the
NVMPA has asked businesses not usually on display to showcase what they do. Says Gwen Sanderson, "
There are some really fun businesses in the neighborhood: Professional scrapbooking, family history gatherers, videographers, etc. So we're all going to set up tables in front of Whole Foods & Real Foods and let people see the fun assortment." Saturday, May 16th, 10:00
AM - 2:00
And next weekend is the 2nd annual sidewalk sale on Church St between 24th and 30th Streets. All are encouraged to "
open your garage, have fun and sell, sell, sell." Saturday, May 30, from 11:00
AM - 6:00
SF Small Business Week]
This was already posted on Noe Valley Buzz. I guess twice is just as nice!
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