My partner @oddknock tweeted it best: Miracle on 24th Street: Just as Whole Foods finishes up their move-in to the old Bell Market, Real Foods starts renovation across street. I attached a picture!

And 24th and Noe is under construction.

[Ed: Anyone have more details? In the comments, please. We'll post more info as we have it.]
2nd sign of the apocalypse?
Time to start the betting pool for the Real Foods renovation - nail salon, middling restaurant, or real estate?
Thanks assholes. It's only been a total blight for 8 + years.
is it real foods or did whole foods buy it?
The sidewalk construction is supposed to be a little plot of dirt to put some more greenery in Noe Valley.
God forbid there is another nail salon that comes to Noe Valley. We don't need the one that just opened.
Hopefully it's the long-awaited Noe Valley Psychic Supply Emporium.
I think it would very cool if it turned into a nail salon that did tarot card readings and aura cleansings while we were getting our pedicures.
I suspect it's the Mormon vitamin people that shut Real Foods down years ago. They will probably open now that Whole Foods will be attracting foot traffic.
Well if it actually IS RF it will certainly die a quick death. Nobody wants to see that wretched Nutraceutical Corp. anywhere near Snowy Valley at this point regardless of whether you hated RF or loved it.
Maybe they'll just raze it for more parking space...yeah that's just what we need.
Wouldn't permits have to be posted if they were remodeling?
Bevan...where are you when we need you most !?
Yes - let's hear from Bevan! Who is doing what here?
Four days later and it looks like all they did is remove angry propaganda and wash the windows.
Let's put more angry propaganda posters, and dirty the windows while we're at it! If they insist on making an eyesore of the place, let's at least make it OUR eyesore. And if the crappy owners have to pay to have it cleaned up again, so much the better.
Wow 9:07 do we deal with "crappy" owners by doing crappy things and having crappy thoughts?? Looks like we are starting to have crappy angry neighbors who blindly believe in an eye for an eye. Mean spirited people is not what Noe Valley is all about. Or, is that what it is becoming?? bye bye
I say put up more angry propaganda. An eye for an eye! At least a few locals get a couple of hours of work to clean it up.
Although a little propaganda isn't equal to the harm the Mormon Vitamin Company has done to Noe Valley.
Yes, keep on posting! Ironic that putting up angry posters that have to be removed is generating more jobs for local workers than anything those Mormons have done to that building in the past decade.
the sidewalk openings on Noe at 24th St are for native, drought tolerant plantings, with more benches in and around the area and in front of Whole Foods from the Noe Valley Association who wrote grants for the planting area and provides public seating on 24th street through the fees they collect as a CBD.
Real Foods simply replaced the etched windows with new glass. No news about their next steps.
I was wondering if anyone has heard updates on the Real Foods's been a few years since we've discussed on this blog.
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