Remember the all-too-confusing change to the street sweeping schedule here in Noe Valley and other relatively clean neighborhoods of San Francisco meant to save the City money? It's not working out so well:
When city officials cut street sweeping in more than 20 neighborhoods in August to save cash, they knew that the change would lead to a loss in revenue from parking tickets.Apparently we've figured out how to read the signs. But here's what we want to know after reading the Chron's article: Are they saying that street cleaning is done to generate parking ticket revenue...?
They probably didn't anticipate that the city would lose four times more money than it saved - money that would have gone to the struggling Municipal Transportation Agency, which is considering cutting transit service and increasing fares to balance its budget.
[SFGate: Street-sweeper reductions costing Muni money]
[NVSF: Dirtier Streets, Confusion to Ensue]
Have you never seen the swarm of ticket issuing scooters that follow the street sweeper? The city knows these tixs are a major revenue stream.
I suspect, there are more tickets written on street sweeping days now than before. Simply because folks are not clear on 1st and 3rd Monday, etc. As compared to simply Monday. So the question is, if you look at the increased daily ticket revenue + the lower cost of street cleaning (with 1st and 3rd Monday, it should cost less than half), is the City making $$ or losing?
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