1104 Sanchez St. is a tiny space that turns over every few months. In the last few years it's been a speech therapist, computer repair and an antique shop. The latest incarnation is a consignment shop called The Garage Sale Store. No information on-site besides the bright yellow sign, so once again it's Craigslist to the rescue: "Hello, I have a Garage Sale Store off of 24th street and Sanchez and I can sell your stuff for you on consignment" for only a ...*ahem*... 50% commission.
What: The Garage Sale Store
Where: 1104 Sanchez St.
Hours: Call for appointment
Contact: Jacob -- (858) 997-5285
[Craigslist: Garage Sale Store (will likely expire soon)]
I'd be scared to consign anything here - it would probably close without me getting paid OR getting my item back.
Yea, I agree. I think that the NV blog should use more intelligence and investigation before they give FREE ADVERTISING AND CREDITIALS to a completely UNKNOWN BUSINESS.
wtf are you people thinking anyway?
Wow - my first comment on being scared to consign anything here WAS NOT a criticism of the Noe Valley blog. In fact, I'm grateful to the blog for pointing out how quickly this place turns over. I consider myself warned.
Why are READERS of this blog so hostile to it? There are plenty of other blogs to read.
@Anon #2 -
Pointing out the existence of a new business is hardly giving "FREE ADVERTISING AND CREDITIALS" (sic). You'll also note the "ahem..50% commission." If anything, the post would make me less likely to do business there, not more.
Man, people that read this blog sure bitch a lot. Pay no mind, editors. Keep up the good work.
well..I think they are really reaching far and wide for any kind of "news" to fill the blog..they basically repeat what you find in the NV Voice...(maybe they are part of the Voice, who knows)..
i have sold a few items through this store. while i agree that 50% split is high (normal split is 60/40) this guy will pick up the item you so you don't have to pay delivery charges, so i guess it evens out. did anyone on this blog ever think that maybe turnover is so high here as well as all the other spots recently going out of business on 24th street because rent is too high? come to think of it, maybe that justifies the 50% split as well. things that make you go hmmmm
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