The nest is ready and the new women's clothing store, Two Birds, opened today in the old Cook's Boulevard space. The roomy two-level store specializes in upscale fashion and expensive jeans. If you like what you've seen at Lola, Two Birds will be another welcome stop on that stretch of Castro.
Two Birds
1309 Castro @ 24th St.
[NVSF: Announced: Two Birds Boutique in Former Cooks Boulevard Space]
Fabulous! just what we need: upscale fashion and expensive jeans.
Give it a year before they close.
I thought we were supposed to support our local businesses! Saves me a trip downtown....
Supporting your local business does not mean doing it without intelligence...of course you are free to pay for overpriced jeans if ya want.
expensive does not necessarily = overpriced if I can wear them 3x/week and look fabulous in them. just sayin'
Why do some of you have to be such haters? If you don't what they are selling, then don't shop there. There is no need to be so rude about it!
To the person that wrote "just what we need": what would you rather see? Another Walgreens? At least people are trying to actualize their dreams and do something they love, not just commenting anonymously on blogs and hating on people just because they aren't selling cheap jeans! Where is the love!? Leave your mean opinions to yourself.
oh ashley, you poor thing. life is tough when people say things you don't like.
sounds like you work at that overpriced jeans boutique.
get over yourself. I love NV because of ALL the diverse opinions that happen here.
As one of the owners of Two Birds, I want to thank you for covering us in your blog. We are excited to be in the neighborhood and understand that we might not be the ideal store for everyone since this is a diverse area. We have, however, gotten a lot of great feedback from many Noe residents! I can assure you that the previous comment made was not by an employee of ours because my co-owner and I will be here 7 days a week to make sure that we are meeting our customers' needs. We hope to get to know more of you soon!
I thrilled that Two Birds has opened in our neighborhood. It's wonderful to see two young San Franciscans fulfilling their dreams as opposed to yet another empty storefront. The fact that Two Birds happens to sell clothing that fits my demographic and lifestyle is nothing but a bonus. I shouldn't have to apologize for liking fashionable togs any more than I should have to leave the neighborhood where I live (and pay taxes) to buy them.
It seems to me that some Noe residents resist change just to resist something. This neighborhood, like all neighborhoods, is evolving over time. Rather than gnashing our collective teeth, we should focus upon making Noe a thriving area for all residents. Stores that bring revenues to the city and shoppers onto the streets should be celebrated rather than vilified.
Welcome, Two Birds!
You know what would be a novel idea? A store in NV that sells men's clothing. My own unscientific study reveals that males make up approximately 50% of the population in NV.
You got it slightly wrong Melissa. that shop is NOT making Noe V a thriving area for ALL residents: it's making it a neighborhood for well to do, well off, rich residents.
just to correct you.
To the Anonymous poster(s): 1) You clearly do not love a diversity of opinion, rather only your own 2) you embody all the passive aggressive qualities that I loathe about San Francisco and 3) you are a coward for not even submitting a first name. I suppose, to you, the blight of vacant lots is superior than this honest business as it does not fit your narrow view of what qualifies for a Noe Valley business. I'm sure Cover to Cover is not bemoaning the arrival of more foot traffic.
Good luck Two Birds, and welcome to the jungle of San Francisco's judgmental nature.
Dear Anonymous,
What makes life tough is people like you who claim they cherish diversity (see last line of your post) and then immediately put down anyone who disagrees with them (see first line of your post). If you love diversity then stop putting down small businesses that are trying to make NV a unique place.
No, I do not work for Two Birds. Yes, I do wish them success and hope that they find some support in the neighborhood. I know there are other residents of NV that will show them love!
To those people who complain about "anonymous" posters, and then you pretend to post with your "name", yet when one clicks on your name to see WHO you are, the blogger profile is EMPTY!!!!
stupid hypocrites: GREG, ASHLEY AND AUDREY.
Wow, such vitriol directed at a clothing store. You'd think they were taking away parking spaces or something.
I love this blog.
good for you anon@9:24 for calling them out on their little game..
and that goes for you too "Jessica".
caught ya.
with love.
Does the waaaambulance make many stops in Noe Valley? If you wanted some other type of businesses why didn't you do it? Only in America can you start a business and then have a bunch of angry white men tell you that you shouldn't be there. And Noe Valley is a "rich" area, when's the last time you walked through Hunters Point? NV blog sponsored by the David Duke association!
Why in hell would I want to walk thru Hunters Point...at any hour...and get shot or mugged?
sorry, that's reality and its sad.
Wow, you guys have taken this thread from Two Birds to Hunter's Point. Whaddup with that?
At least it's not a parklet.
It's not like they're opening a Prada store.
Well, no surprise I get dirty looks when I dress nice, after reading these negative comments.LOL To me, fashion is art. Entering a boutique with beautiful pieces is my passion(like a museum). I can't always buy what I love, but admire the work, fabric,and design someone created. We all have our love for things, think of yours. Would you like a shop to open with the things you love? If so,you and I would hope they do well. Best wishes to Two Birds! And thank you for sharing designers creations. Michele
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