The Noe Valley Voice is published ten times a year and has been a neighborhood fixture since 1977. Here are highlights from the latest issue. Links are to items we've covered here on NVSF or outside sources as the Voice doesn't post stories online until mid-month.
February 2011
Front Page: New school district lines for Noe; RelayRides neighborhood car share comes to Noe; 7 local retailers served with warning letters threatening lawsuits from ADA activists and forced to make costly upgrades (much employment for lawyers ensues).
Letters: Unclaimed Santa photos still languishing at Just for Fun - stop by if you forgot to pick yours up; details on a broken window car break-in that didn't make it into the Police Beat.
Message from Scott Wiener: Our new District 8 Supe writes of his 2 priorities: Fixing the J Church and the Noe Valley Town Square.
Features: Profile of Sharon who sells Street Sheet on 24th St.; new luxe condos on outer Church.
Cost of Living in Noe: Condos outsold homes in November and December with the typical price for a condo at $1 million. Single-family homes are averaging $1.4 million.
Short Takes: Neighborhood Emergency Response Training (NERT) coming to Noe Feb 24 - Mar 31; Find a Lab to Love at Noe Valley Pet Co. Feb 12, 12 - 3pm; Plant*SF wants to green your sidewalk.
Store Trek: Tataki South; Patxi's; New Alternatives Cafe - 1600 Guerrero at 28th serves coffee, pastries and sandwiches daily.
Rumors: Noe Valley's Super Bowl celebrity Larry Jacobson frequents Le Zinc, Tuggey's, Firefly and Pasta Pomodoro (and misses Noe Valley Pizza); world-class sculptor and Noe Valley resident Ruth Asawa is the subject of a documentary - next showing is at the De Young on March 11; parklets are popular on 24th Street - smoking is not; reason for recent Circle Bank demonstrations in Noe still unclear (contractor and union dispute); Lola staying, Two Birds coming soon; diagonal parking comes to Castro and nets 3 new parking spots (Ed - or 4 at night when confused drivers park diagonally in the parallel spot anyway); the $2.33 million Noe Dream House and the $4.25 million Noe Fire House still not sold.
[The Noe Valley Voice]
Just read the NVV and you guys missed a lot. Maybe you should expand your coverage to 120 seconds.
So nice to know the NV Voice hit the stands 6 days after the published date.
I sure wish they would clean up their act and stop being such a down home hillbilly local paper.
The Noe Valley Voice comes out "on or before the first Friday of the Month," as it says it will. (see the editorial box) NVV you keep on being such a down home hillbilly local paper--you are great. I sure wish the foregoing person would clean up his/her/its snarky act.
I read the voice and found out that I am a bad person if I patronize businesses that do things like this
Yea, that letter to the editor trashing Paxti's Pizza was very myopic and small minded.
We've ordered pizza from there several times and it's been awesome, delicious and great!
What's with this tired ranting about anything new being bad and existing businesses being the ONLY viable place to patronize.
There is room for both, seems to me.
I really appreciate Patxi's commitment to the neighborhood.
They have been incredibly generous to Alvarado Elementary and all of SF's public schools.
Patxi's is a model of good corporate citizenship.
Noe Valley is blessed with many businesses and people who invest in the community. And I encourage all of us to show our appreciation by patronizing those businesses.
Todd David
the march issue of the Noe
Valley Voice hit the streets today
March forth!
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