I want folks to be wary about papers they dispose of. Twice in the last month I have seen guys going through paper recycling, and not with an eye for beating Sunset Scavengers to the punch. They were clearly looking systematically through papers looking for valuable information, bank receipts, credit card info etc. The second time the guy was even wearing a spelunkers light on his head! The cops have been notified, but better to make sure there is nothing for them to find.So recycling thieves cost taxpayers $469,000 a year, and they could cost you a lot more. Shred those receipts and credit card statements folks, before you recycle them.
[SFRecycling: Report Form]
[NVSF: Recycling Theft = $469,000]
[SFGate: Judge orders scavengers to stop raiding trash]
Put your cans out the morning of collection.
that's what we do, too
I'd love to put my cans out the morning of collection, but they usually come by 6 a.m. and I'm not up quite that early.
Shred, shred, shred.
If the city was really serious about stopping recycling theft, the cops could drive around Noe Valley any given morning and catch people doing it. I see at least 3 people stealing recycling every morning. It's not like they're hard to spot. The guy with the boom box blaring music I went by this morning at 7 am would be a good one to start with.
then get your ass up earlier.
@ rocky's dad
Why should I get up earlier? Why are you such a jerk? It's Sunset Scavenger and the city's problem to fix this, not mine - so why should I get up at 5 a.m. once a week just to put out the trash when I work until midnight?
"Rocky's Dad" -- Generally, I agree with most of your sentiments, but "get your ass up earlier"? Sheesh, my garbage guys get my containers well before 5:30...I'm sorry, but getting up before then is just ridiculous. And no, I don't think that is being lazy, merely realistic.
ok, then. How about this? wake up earlier and put your containers out. I do.
Like much of "entitled" society here, stop blaming someone or a public agency for the problem. Take it upon yourself to be responsible, instead of whining about having to get up early ONCE A WEEK.
...might also help if folks did not leave their cans out 24/7 along some of the alley streets. Is it really too much to ask to pull your cans back into your garage?
Rocky's Dad -- Lord have mercy! I was not "whining" about "getting my ass up earlier", merely commenting on your unfortunately jarring response to a ligitimate problem. And yes, it IS a problem. I do all that is can, i.e., shredding documents, to mitigate any potential problems down the line. It would be mind-blowing if the City would work in tandem with us residents to offer/suggest solutions, but they don't and they never will. This City that I love is sadly turning away from the very people they claim makes it great. And I will state again, getting up before 5 a.m. to put out my trash bins so that some criminal won't go through it is unfortunate, whether it's one day a week or seven.
you guys are missing the point! It wasn't about recycling theft, it's that people are systematically rifling through your papers to steal your information. Be aware and don't just toss out any pertinent info before shredding it to pieces.
Thumbs down to rocky's dad.
What the non-early-risers need is a latch device (not a lock) which when opened, sounds a bell inside the house (eg over radio/wifi?). When the bell sounds you just need to open your eyes and check that the person taking the trash is who you expect it to be. This idea is free to anyone who wants to develop that product!
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