The latest news from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs.
- Review of Damsara, the new Malaysian restaurant on Church [SFGate]
- Damsara officially opens Oct 19 [SF Chronicle]
- Sanchez Block Party – Sunday Oct 16 from 12-3 [@slowsanchezsf]
- Sister Act – filmed in Noe Valley – is getting another sequel [E Online]
- RIP John Stidham, who made Noe Valley more beautiful [SF Chronicle]
- An interview with the new owner of Lehr’s German Specialities [NBC Bay Area]
- The former Gallery of Jewels spot is now a sweater shop [@KristinHenry]
- Hint of a ceremony at St Paul’s [bissignette]
- Save the Valley Tavern parklet campaign []
- The hellish lines at Whole Foods continue [NVSF]
- "Spooky" doorway [koepp200]