The Noe Valley Voice is published ten times a year and has been a neighborhood fixture since 1977. Here are notable highlights from the latest issue. Links are to stories we've covered here on NVSF or other resources. Follow the NVV link at the bottom for full articles and all the ads.
July/August 2015
Front Page: San Jose Avenue traffic calming isn't working [for cars]; the earthquake shack was ruled a historic resource under the California Environmental Quality Act; Airbnb hosts are successfully colonizing Noe Valley - there are currently 227 rentals in the hood with an average price of $212 per night; Lhami Sherpa, co-owner of Holy Kitchen on 24th St has family affected by the Nepal quake.
Letters: A hater complains about the benches in front of Martha & Bros; the Garden Tour was a success and well-sponsored by Voice advertisers; a neighbor doesn't like the produce selection and high prices from the new owners of Church Produce.
Features: The bar at 1600 Dolores St has new owners and will be called The Bar on Dolores Street; Horner's Corner is closed and John Dampeer of Caskhouse is buying the bar/restaurant - still no word on planned changes or when it will reopen. Bliss Bar is becoming Tom Rai, a restaurant with live music. RIP local activist Vicki Rosen.
Cost of Living in Noe: Hotter than the surface of the sun. The average house price is up 10 percent year-over-year to $2.4 million according to Zephyr data.
Store Trek: The Podolls (3985 24th St)
[The Noe Valley Voice]
PLEASE change the title of this feature away from the snarky "We read this so you don't have to." There are many good features of the Noe Valley Voice that you don't even mention in your extremely abridged version.
Instead perhaps call this, "Teaser for the newest issue of Noe Valley Voice"?
I like this digest. It gives me the highlights without the puffery - and prompts me to go get a copy if I see something interesting. As for the snarky title - it's fun. Why be dull?
i like this digest too! how about: NVV digest--Skip the Realtor & Title Company Ads!
This blog is almost nothing but real estate news. "Rent is expensive" "record house sale", etc... This is fluff! Go read the SF Chronicle!
Agree - hate the title and find it snarky too. That paper is a nice service. It doesn't cost the user anything to buy. They have what seems to be good access to info that others don't, and report on it. Folks like it. Obviously this blog likes it too as it religiously posts this summary each time. So suggest losing the snarkiness as we like your summary but it seems like you're wanting to discredit them at the same time you are saying they are valueable.
Its, without an apostrophe, is the possessive of the pronoun it. It’s, with an apostrophe, is a contraction of it is or it has.
"Rumors: Short items in the back:"
No----this is rumors.....not "short items".......more snark
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