For lease: 3751 24th Street at Chattanooga. "Wonderful Hi Visibility Commercial Space ... 20+ foot ceilings ... Corner locations are prime and rarely available ... all the foot traffic in Noe Valley must walk by the space to get to 24th Street/Mission transportation."
Now that the moratorium on new Noe Valley restaurants has lifted you could open your own cafe with a parklet out front (with soon-to-be-easier permit process), or leave it as is and operate your own cigarette / malt liquor / lottery ticket market. At $5500/month, a yoga studio, nails/waxing or children's art studio doesn't seem viable.
All that assuming you can handle dealing with the landlord. Looks like he/she will have no problem airing your dirty laundry: "It is currently being used as a small grocery/liquor store J&J Grocery, their lease is done January 2011, possibly sooner because they are having internal conflict with their management."
[Craiglist: NOE VALLEY Store Front Commercial/Corner Location]
[StreetsBlogSF: PARK(ing) and Parklet Day: Reclaiming the Curb for People]
Well, it's a "corner" location but the cross street is a small residential street so it doesn't really count.
This place massively overcharged for beer compared to the nearby competition (Shufat, Mamma's, Urban Cellars, St Clair), so I haven't been there for years.
agreed...this guy tried to charge me $12 for a six pack of domestic beer. good riddance to this dirty ass hell hole.
Big opportunity here for someone with a good idea. I expect the center of gravity in Noe Valley to be moving eastward, with the proposed town square at Vicksburg and all the new activity on Guerrero & Valencia around 22nd/23rd. Hopefully this becomes something other than a corner store.
There is no "center of gravity" to Noe Valley. That's an online urban myth.
The entire 24th St. shopping area is vibrant and ever changing, from Diamond St. to Dolores. The new urban plaza near Vicksburg, eventually, will be a great public open space, but it won't shift the so called "center" to there. The shopping district is linear and all of it has merit and places to hang out and enjoy people watching.
All of it except around the edges, as this article would seem to reinforce.
(Somewhere, someone is relishing the role of Real Foods as spoiler yet again...)
Do all of you really think the City will buy the Ministry parking lot for $4mil+/- so we can have a town square? Don't hold your collective breaths.
Gentrification...boredom...yuppies...blond people...dogs...handbags...nails...trophy wives...boutiques...gray-haired 50 year old fathers of toddlers...Noe...Valley
does someone need a hug?
grown men on bikes...kids in strollers who should be walking...
dogs who should be strollers...
fat women in stretch pants...
I could go on.
Jerks who write comments... rude people who hate kids and dogs... I could go on...
Feel free to move.
You're so right. kids and dogs are a problem in NV. somebody needs to bring that under control...people who don't have a sense of humor.
Feel free to move.
Speaking of parklets the word on the street is Martha's, and Just For Fun.
Those are good locations. makes sense.
Wait! in front of Just For Fun?? Why?
that doesn't seem like the right location. How about in front of Bernies..or Starbucks?
Completely illogical in front of that card shop. It already has sidewalk planting, and no one really gathers in front of there to hang out and read their cards..
I'm just the messenger, but here are a few data points that I have been told.
Any location had to be between Noe and Vicksburg, on 24th. Among other things I think this actually did have to do with not having proximity to a bar.
Bernies was disqualified as a location because there is a loading zone there. No loading zones were considered.
You can't be directly in front of Starbucks because there is a handicapped spot there. I'm not sure the logistics of moving a handicapped spot but I suspect that would be a can of worms.
The maintainance of the parklets will in part fall on the business owner that the parklet fronts. I heard they considered Toast/Ambience, but Mary McFadden owns the building that houses Toast and was quoted in the voice as thinking the parklets were wasteful. So perhaps it's best not to impose a parklet on her, and instead put them in front of businesses that have signed up to support the parklets that front their businesses.
seems like a ridiculous spot in front of Just for fun.
why not farther up on 24th? maybe in front of the bakery? or another restaurant?
why not on the south side of the street as well?
"why not farther up on 24th? maybe in front of the bakery? or another restaurant?"
As I said - "Any location had to be between Noe and Vicksburg, on 24th. Among other things I think this actually did have to do with not having proximity to a bar."
"why not on the south side of the street as well?"
While there is some aversion to the South side of the street because it would be less sunny, I did not get the impression that was a deal breaker - they actually considered putting it in front of Real Foods but that would mean no business to do the maintainance.
Look at it this way - it's a stones throw from Bernie's and Just for Fun is willing to maintain it.
The thing needs to be in front of a business who will sponsor it, not in a loading zone, and preferably one per block. Narrows it down pretty quickly. I don't necessarily consider it optimal either (I would vote for "in front of Valley Tavern with a big screen TV), but they didn't exactly have an open canvas.
Yea, murph: Brilliant comment about putting a parklet in front of Valley Tavern with a "big screen TV"..We know, of course you were trying to be funny.....but certainly helps define who you really are..even more.
Jokes often show the real side of a person. Ha Ha.
Big screen tv's and sports bars should be banned. Let's put in some gay bars and light opera. Ha Ha. But I digress.
Anyway, to a more important point. It seems to me to be a very wrong location to put a parklet in front of Just For Fun. The existing sidewalk landscaping and trees makes it rather difficult to, in fact, GET TO the parklet..This is a pretty obvious urban planning/functional/design issue.
Starbucks makes more sense, or near it. In front of Toast makes sense, despite your automatic assumption that Ms. McFadden would not "allow" it there. Sun or not so much sun, not terribly relevant. The south side of 24th gets sun as it sets right down 24th St. Doesn't matter.
I will have to email Andres Power to ask them to study a few more alternate locations that perhaps would be better positioned along 24th St.
RC - I think your lack of a sense of humor say more about you than Murph's jokes.
oh dear Mr. Tom:
Didn't like my joke, huh? trouble is, mine was a real joke, his was a real desire.
no sense of humor dude.
The selections of locations were not made unilaterally - this was done with the Merchants Association.
Quote - "The details of the site business's responsibility are being finalized."
The "imposition" of a parklet (not "allow") is that if we put a parklet in front of Toast and Ambience then Toast and Ambience have to help maintain it. Perhaps they were just not interested.
If you want it in front of Toast,
rather than emailing Andres Power, you might get further by going to talk to Mary McFadden, Ambience and Toast, and tell them you want a parklet in front of Toast/Ambience, and that they should push NVA and P2P to locate a parklet there.
If nothing else you'd probably find out some interesting tidbits. I'm just speculating. Use your time machine to give your input before 100's of people already did a lot of work on this if you feel like being polite for once. We've known about Noe getting two parklets for a while and surely you know whom you could have given your valuable input to before the fact.
Regards Starbucks - that is a handicapped spot, and is at the end of the block - 2 disqualifiers for a location, along with loading zones.
You speculate a lot, don't you?
I think the NVMPA finished their merchant survey (as it was reported by the nvvoice this would happen by mid-this-month) and gave it to
P2P's Power. Has Power revealed what the merchant poll results were? Did the NVMPA release the results? I couldn't find it on their website.
To cloak or not to cloak? That is the question. Survey says? Some of us would like to know.
Nails - I posted that information...
Please Click here for the entire email from Bob Roddick with survey information from NVMPA
"The Merchants Association conducted a survey of its members and also non-members and the result was that Seventy-Two (72%) favored the Park Lets. Sixty-eight percent supported Park Lets as beneficial for business. The remainder just liked the idea.
The results were forwarded to all members in good standing and to Andres Power on Tuesday.
The first choice was Martha Bros. and the second was in front of the old Real Foods, but this was disqualified as there is no operating business to assume the responsibility. The next choice was Just For Fun."
Hilarious how this post's comments have become a debate about parklet locations.
I like dogs, I hate strollers, I like kids, I like parklets, and I really can't stand J&J's Liquors. I avoid them like the plague. Good riddance.
Well yea. For what it's worth, this does provide an open forum to discuss all things good/bad/fun here in Noe V.
Maybe we just need an open post for all kinds of discussions/rants.
Can't hurt.
Ah, the irony of the comments on this blog. They sort of perpetuate everything everyone already thinks about Noe Valley. A bunch of self-righteous a-holes arguing about NOTHING!!
Then why the hell are you even here anon @3:12?
I mean. this is about dialogue, strong opinions. It's not hurting anyone, least of all you.
And when you resort to name calling, you lose all credibility and intelligence anyway.
yo, rocketboy.
you go.
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