The Noe Valley Voice is published ten times a year and has been a neighborhood fixture since 1977. Here are notable highlights from the latest issue. Links are to stories we've covered here on NVSF or other resources. Follow the NVV link at the bottom for full articles and all the ads.
December 2013 / January 2014
Front Page:The Noe Valley Farmers Market celebrates 10 years on December 7th; Interview with NV resident and Twitter editorial director Karen Wickre (@kvox); An update on the continuing process to update Noe Courts [Ed.--Scott Wiener's take is here]; Church St artist Stan Heller exhibits "the faces and stories of long-term San Francisco residents caught in the current real estate frenzy" at Borderlands Cafe on Valencia through January 17th.
Letters: A promotion for SFSU's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute; Not everyone agrees with Tom Peck's poem last month condemning Scott Wiener; In memory of Kathleen Albert, who ran With Care preschool on Fair Oaks St.
Short Takes: Upper Douglass Dog Park to remain closed "until further notice;" A reminder about 24 HoliDAYS on 24th St; Announcement of yesterday's meeting of the NVDC and UNN about CCSF; The next community meeting for the Noe Valley Streetscape Project tentatively scheduled for Jan 20th; Horner's Corner Bar announced.
Cost of Living in Noe: Expensive. Still. 2-4 unit buildings are popular for converting to TICs.
Police Beat: Since NV beat cop Lorraine Lombardo has stopped providing blotter info, the NVV has discovered just how frustrating it is to get timely and pertinent crime information from the Mission and Ingleside stations. The Voice is experimenting with CrimeMapping.com.
Rumors: Only 33% of Noe Valley voters voted in November, shooting down Prop B & C two-to-one; Swatdee is closing, New Dehli moving in; La Nebbia on track to open "sometime mid-Decemberish;" Real Foods cited, faces max fine of $6885; Local activist Peter Gabel to be first to hold author event at Folio Books; Starbucks closed for remodel; Easy Breezy awarded.
Notable: The copy editor who is so kind to offer his/her services in our comment section may want to give the Voice a call -- there are many blocks of text that are repeated in this issue.
[The Noe Valley Voice]
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