Artsake packed up its brushes and has consolidated into the Just For Fun / Scribbledoodles space across the street (from where they originated 6 years ago). The sign says all the same stuff is available, although we’re skeptical they'll be displayed so well given the already tight quarters at Just For Fun.
Sad to see a long-time merchant get squeezed on 24th Street – and we’ll miss the space’s color on a dingy stretch of 24th Street. As always, we're hopeful the space at 3961 24th St turns into something...useful.
Update: Said space is $3900/month per
I avoid Just For Fun after they posted, some years ago, a sign limiting entrance to the mostly black students from the nearby Middle School.
It's the same owners - I'm sure with the same set of values. I shop elsewhere.
@anon, I'm slightly confused--you mean they didn't let the middle school kids in?
If the school you reference is James Lick (and I think that's the closest middle school), then you're mistaken about the demographics. The school is about 65% hispanic/latino, 11% boring old white, and 11% black. It's not remotely close to "mostly black".
Nonetheless, if for whatever reason you got a bad feeling about the store owners, I certainly understand you not wanting to shop there. Maybe you'll at least go in for the sake of Artsake.
With that and the adjacent former Qoio space vacant, we can fit in two more nail salons!
how many feel the way I do about Just for Fun?
1. the space is cluttered, crowded with junk..hard to even look at cards given how damn narrow the aisles are.
2. those little rat dogs running around all over the place.
3. the owners are rude, impolite and always seem slightly irritated.
Ugh, I'm getting seriously tired of the mean-spirited nature of the comments on this blog. It is starting to sound like the comments on SF gate --- people with serious anger management issues...
Just for Fun is a great store that has been here many years. They used to always give out the most generous Halloween treats (not sure if they still do, because my kids are now in High School and no longer trick or treat). They donate to many causes, and clearly add a wonderful dimension to 24th Street.
Many, many many stores limit the number of students that can be in the store at any one time. This is not racist...
That store is instant claustrophobia. The last time I was there the shopkeepers followed me around while I shopped for cards - as if I were a shoplifting suspect. I'm not. I now don't bother to go there. There are plenty of gift and card shops where I feel welcome.
well said Dixter...I feel the same way.
Just for Fun is a long time fixture on 24th that offers such a variety of items you can always find something for someone. I have never felt like anyone was following me around, the owners have always been helpful and friendly to me, especially if I have ever asked for help or needed a print job. As far as the James Lick comment .....several years ago a few kids made trouble for many many stores in Noe Valley and those signs went up everywhere from Walgreens to Just for Fun but the situation is not the same and folks should give JFF a try. We need to support our local merchants if we want to keep them.
There are other gift and card shops that are "local merchants" on 24th Street.
I don't believe in supporting local merchants who treat me badly just because they are "local."
Seeing as how this thread has devolved in to a discussion of JFF, I can say that not only have I been going there (only occasionally) for many, many years, but I enjoy the place, don't feel claustrophobic in the crowded and narrow isles, never noticed any weirdness from the owners/workers, and like the goofy selection of crap there. So do my kids. I could do without the dogs, certainly...
And I agree with Sean - More Nail Salons! Let's make Noe Valley the Nail Salon District of San Francisco! Woo hoo!
I'm not partial to nail salons but I sure do miss Streetlight Records!
Why don't you all leave Mr. Magoo and David at JFF alone. They are part of the neighborhood and bottom line if you don't like it then stay away there are plenty of people who enjoy shopping at JFF. Apparently they are doing something right since to be in business for all these years and not really suffering during these down times. People like them they really do like them!
$3900 - the landlord must be high! Which is probably appropriate, since in that narrow, limited space, about the only thing that will make it would be a marijuana dispensary.
That's the big problem with Noe - landlords charge so much that it's very hard for regular retail or cheap eats to come to this neighborhood.
And some people really don't like them they really don't like them!
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