Bliss Bakery didn't respond to our emails earlier this week but word from a gluten-free reader who asked around is that Bliss is headed for Noe in September (after canceling plans for an Ashbury Heights location earlier this year) and will take over the FIMA Photography space. FIMA, for it's part, hasn't announced any such departure...
In the meantime, Bliss owner Maria Balme is also looking for other spaces in Noe with lots of foot traffic with the goal of moving in sooner.
No word on whether Bliss will be doing most of their baking onsite (which would require a conditional use permit) or bringing in their wheat-free cupcakes, flax bread and savory galletes from their main Santa Rosa store.
Did this blog, or it's gluten free friend, check with the Fima owner to see if this Chronicle "rumor" is true? Evidently you all (including the Chron writer)could care less if you defame a Noe Valley artist's business. It's just dandy to learn allegations from a rumor mill that you have lost your lease. What about doing some of your own reporting, you heresay turkeys.
looking forward to their arrival, whichever storefront they land in!
Hey noebody: Not that it makes any difference but: Did you mean "hearsay" or "heresy" turkeys?
We already have the NV Bakery, La Boulange, and the bakery inside Whole Foods. At the risk of offending everyone out there with celiac disease, do we really need a gluten-free bakery too?
hey andy sohn: it's NOT up to you or anyone to decide what we NEED in Noe Valley...jeezus, you sound like a Russian dictator.
Relax..and the market will decide what works or doesnt work here.
I need to relax? I'm not the one getting all worked up over someone's comment. I'm merely offering some keen market insights and priceless business advice to the would-be owner.
I will buy gluten-free baked goods and children's picture books from the first storefront to bring smoothies to Noe Valley. You'd think somebody would be on that..
Russian Dictator no like the smoothie. Is cold in Russia. We need drinks of warm. So I decide no smoothie in Noe Valley. You want open store of smoothie, I say no. But maybe if gluten-free I think again. Maybe.
trouble is, now Andy Sohn is trying to make light and make jokes of his highly opinionated statement about what should and should not be in Noe Valley.
too late. you lose. you said it.
My bad for not giving this matter the gravitas it deserves. Lighten up, anonymous. I'm not hiding from my "highly opinionated statement." Furthermore, I love baked goods and I'm proud of it. I just think that opening another bakery is a lousy business decision. But hey, if someone else wants to do it, I wish them well. It's not my money.
Sorry my opinion differs from yours.
Evidently "Free Market, Please Make Me a Smoothie" is a Noe Vally Newbie. Remember Juice It? It was a smoothie store right where the Belgian Chocolate store currently is. One day it was open; the next it was closed. The owners skipped town, chased by ghosts in the night it seems. I don't recall ever hearing why they had to suddenly split; it was very suspicious. So perhaps there's bad mojo for smoothies in Noe Valley.
Well count me as a regular customer if Bliss Bakery comes to Noe Valley. As a person recently diagnosed with celiac disease, I've sadly had to give up just about everything served on the 24th street corridor.
Hello Everyone.
This is Fima, owner of Fima Photography, where alleged gluten free bakery was supposed to move in to. After seeing an article in Chronicle (thank you Roger from Noe Valley Voice for alerting me about the article), I contacted my landlord and this is what she told me. The owner of the bakery, Maria Balme and my landlord had a discussion about my location. Maria drove by the location and liked it. Without discussing it with the landlord she jumped the gun and told everyone including Chronicle about her new store opening. Ones Maria realized that I have a lease, she is no longer interested in my location.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at 415.641.1010
"thank you Roger from Noe Valley Voice for alerting me about the article"
a.k.a. "Anonymous". Or so "Rumor" has it.
HEY ANON 6:01 DID YOU MEAN TO SAY "JESUS" or was that just a typo.
No, I spelled it the right way. That's the jeezus I worship.
oh, I overstand.
It's spelt "Jeebus"
And leave Fima alone, Anonymous moron. YOU, clearly an English slacker, haven't a clue about the language itself since you didn't learn how or what to capitalize.
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