
April 2, 2014

NVV April 2014: We Read It So You Don't Have To

The Noe Valley Voice is published ten times a year and has been a neighborhood fixture since 1977. Here are notable highlights from the latest issue. Links are to stories we've covered here on NVSF or other resources. Follow the NVV link at the bottom for full articles and all the ads.

April 2014

Front Page: April Fools.

Letters: Noe Valley used to have cable cars running over Castro; a neighbor urges Noe Valleyeans to protest bulb-outs planned for 24th St.; in praise of Word Week sponsors; a vegetarian complains that the new La Nebbia has no veggie options he likes.

Cost of Living in Noe: The average price of a single family home in Noe right now is $2.4 million.

Store Trek: Horner's Corner (1199 Church St at 24th)

Rumors: Mike's Shoe Repair is open month-to-month only and looking for a new space;  St. Paul's Market at Sanchez and 29th is closing for good at the end of the month (the owner is fighting cancer); Be Yoga is closed [Ed - and LOLA Pop-up has replaced it for now]; Incanto is closed and will be reborn as Porcellino in May; Fima Photography is once again NOT closing; the mystery restaurant at 25th and Church is still a mystery; Joshua Simon clothing store on 24th St is for sale for $239,000; Holy Kitchen Indian restaurant is open; The Valley Tavern won approval to reopen its beer garden in the back of the premises.

[The Noe Valley Voice]

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