
July 27, 2012

This Week In Noe Valley: Public Porn, Condo Sales Still Up, Mill Opening In August

News from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: DAVIDsTEA construction]


  1. what on earth are you talking about and why would you post such derogatory stuff-

    Cafe Ponte owner on record for accessing online adult content in public [NYTimes]

  2. Wow, you need to change the title you wrote for the Cafe Ponte link. The article doesn't say anything about Cafe Ponte's owner "on record" for accessing adult content. It makes it sound like this guy was cited or arressted for accessing porn in public. Perhaps this is more accurate and less accusatory:

    "Cafe Ponte owner quoted in NYTs article about his patrons viewing porn in a public space."

  3. Actually the title is accurate - he is quoted (aka "on record") in the article as saying he, himself, also occasionally looks at nude photos in public view...

    "In fact, Mr. Ponte acknowledged that he himself sometimes sits at his cafe and surfs the hookup sites, and occasionally sees naked photos."

  4. Still, it's pretty sleazy. Last time I checked this was a friendly neighborhood blog, not the National Enquirer.

  5. The sleazy part is that Mr. Ponte is looking at porn in public, not that this blog is reporting it. I'm glad to know about it. (I missed it in The Times.)

  6. Mr. Ponte reported to having encountered explicit content in his own use of the internet, not, as the summary quoted in this post implies, actively consuming pornographic media from his place of business.

    The distinction is an important one, and for my two cents, the way it's put here is an unfair spin.

    Perhaps the implication was unintentional - has a completely legitimate reason to share the article that mentions a Noe Valley business in the NYT - the framing may have been accidental.


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