
November 28, 2011

Open: Cookie Time!

Love them or hate them, food trucks in SF are here to stay. And the latest addition to the Noe food scene is a food truck that features... cookies:
Cookie Time is a cookie truck operating out of San Francisco's Noe Valley. We use organic, mostly local ingredients to deliver the most deliciously nutritious goodies! CookieTime also firmly believes in zero waste, which is why all of our serving dishes & utensils are compostable.
Permitted and ready, Cookie Time opened Friday in the Noe Valley Ministry Farmer's Market. One positive review on Yelp, and one negative response from Martha & Bros. The Farmer's Market is already tight on space and turning away vendors; no idea if this fits in with their plans.

Whether you're a cookie fan or not, how do you feel about food trucks setting up near "brick-and-mortar" restaurants now that the long-running battle has made it to Noe Valley?

Cookie Time!
3865 24th St, San Francisco, CA
415 735 5055
Facebook, Twitter

[SFGate: Restaurants want to put brakes on food trucks]
[SFoodie: The Chronicle and the GGRA Go After Food Trucks]
[Photo: Cookie Time!, via Facebook]


  1. I prefer not to see food trucks in Noe Valley competing with locally-owned-and-operated high-rent-paying eating establishments already here.
    Local Old Lady

  2. While I have no problem with food trucks I would rather not have such a large truck taking up space in the Farmer's Market (if they want a small stall on the side with the other food provider's fine) but to take up so much space in the fruit and veg section seems a waste.

  3. Horrible addition to the Farmer's Market (and serious irony of cookies edging out fruits and veggies). Plus, the whole idea of a truck is that it should move - not squat on one spot and be in the way. I'm not a fan.

  4. "Noe Valley Ministry Farmer's Market" seems imprecise, it's in their lot, but it's not their Farmer's Market, n'est pas?

    So they opened in the lot. If that extends to during the market, I also consider a cookie truck an underutilisation of the limited space on Saturday AM.

    The rest of the week, the lot itself is underutilised, so the primary issue is if the business is appropriate for the neighborhood.

    I wonder - why is the finger pointed at Cookie Time? When a title company moves in and we are upset that it is displacing another business - usually we point the finger at the *landlord* for not being a good steward of the community...

  5. BTW,
    Marthas Coffee is horrible. It really tastes like shit. I'm really not surprised they are bitching about competition.

  6. Nothing against food trucks in general, but this one doesn't really strike me as all that good. And agree that if it's affecting a local business a lot, then that's not a great match. However, reading up on the web about the licensing process, it looks like there are rules in place to help those local businesses.
    Lastly, is it me or are others getting tired of the 'eco' claims? i mean, if you believe in zero waste, then why is a massive truck delivering cookies. And mostly-local milk and chocolate chips coming from Poterero or something?

  7. ok, just read even further. it looks like they/she got all the permits so i'll wait to see how that plays out.
    While i'm still curious about all of the local ingredients, i am going to reserve judgment till I try them out.

  8. I have tasted these cookies and while they are not anything special, I fully support food trucks in Noe Valley.

    Until Noe stops letting non-food businesses move into every single vacant space on/around 24th street, then I'm all for foodie entrepreneurs rolling their trucks out for us to enjoy. Honestly, do we really need any more banks, insurance co's, nail salons, ugly clothing stores, and useless gift shops?

    Compared to other neighborhoods Noe is extremely lacking in new and interesting restaurants.

    Yes, there are lots of restaurants, but you'd be kidding yourself if you thought more than maybe 10% of them were worth repeat visits! Sorry, but I don't want to eat greasy slop at Joe's or get food poisoning from the crap Taqueria across from Whole Foods.

    I suggest all the great food trucks of SF move into the vacant parking lot every night of the week and setup our own neighborhood "Off The Grid" event. That would make me sooo happy!

  9. Noe Valley Blog commenters are a bunch of whiny babies. Your idea of local has to be within blocks of the truck? That is horribly stupid.

    You're upset that its taking away cookie business from a coffee shop? That is moronic.

    You think a food truck is that bad for the environment that you have to come one here and whine about it? What else do you complain about? That pumping bike tires is taking all of our good clean air?

    Open more businesses! Open more small businesses! Open more interesting and different businesses! Support people who are trying. Stop going online and dicking it up by being dicks. Bunch of dicks.

    Hypocrite who gets angry at people who comment on message boards and gets even by also posting on message boards

  10. I second the motion on a neighborhood "Off the Grid" -- fill the void in our culinary wasteland.

  11. I believe that a number of posters actually support the idea of food trucks my objection is the amount of space said truck takes at the farmers market. Not only to I have a personal preference for fruits and veggies over cookies but the truck takes space other vendors (read other businesses) could occupy. So by all means lets have food trucks but maybe there could be some sort of schedule worked out so they did not impact the farmer's market quite so much (i.e., it is a truck so it could presumablly move to the street for a period of time).

  12. Don't be a dick, you dick.

  13. Please be civil.The level of discourse here is going far below sea level and rapidly approaching the
    Marianas Trench. Especially the last comment. Noe Valley is turning into Noe Trench. Yuk

  14. Is that not a small local business?!?!


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