
November 30, 2009

Barney's: Spiffing Up

Permit #200906110280:
Renovation of [existing] dining, cashier area, bathrooms, patio and entry. Work includes lighting, plumbing, minor structural work, finishes, new awnings, exterior benches.


  1. Will any of this make their burgers not suck?

  2. They need to do something to address the pigeons that infest their outdoor patio. The last time we ate there, we spent the meal shooing away pigeons and eating at tables covered with pigeon poop. Haven't been back since.

  3. The pigeons are fine...where do you think they get the meat?


  4. The last few times I went into Barney's, the indoor dining area was infested with cockroaches. It wasn't so bad near the door, but the closer you sat to the kitchen, the more roaches you would see. Sitting on the patio with pigeon poop would be an improvement.

  5. Long overdue. And Barney's, btw: you're the only burger game in Noe, this is a slam dunk - please take a look at the quality of the burgers, they've been a little iffy as of late. Fix that and you'll have crowds.

  6. Agree with Mulls -- this is your opportunity to upgrade your offering, not just your surroundings. Niman Ranch burgers would be great. The quality of yours is not good, which is why we would prefer going to Tower Burger or even BurgerMeister. And how about fries that aren't pre-frozen? Thanks for listening.


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