
September 17, 2009

Bomb Squad on 30th: Shotput Defused

From an anonymous tip: "I just asked an officer who told me a woman found what she thought was a cannonball in her house... turned out to be a shotput."

Update from 9/18 SFPD Blotter:
Ingleside Officers arrived at a home where a resident wished to turn over a suspected explosive device. Proper steps were taken to ensure neighborhood safety and fortunately, it was discovered the item was not what it was thought to have been.


  1. DEfused, man, defused!

  2. Headline fixed. Can't believe that one slipped....


  3. Wait a sec. Aren't they the same thing? A cannonball is just a round hunk of metal that gets propelled out of the cannon with gunpowder!

  4. This is classic. If it weren't for your blog, we would never have known about such insanity.

  5. And see I was all excited when I was shopping at 30th and Church during the madness and heard it was am actual cannon they found. Oh well. Got some great stuff at 30th and Church produce anyway.

  6. How is that remotely possible? I thought the shotput died with the fall of the Berlin wall. Am I missing something?

  7. WOW MAN!
    Better Safe than SORRY I guess!!!!!!!

  8. What the I wish I was there to snap a pic!


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