
April 30, 2009

PSA: Wash Your Hands!

We've heard from friends that tons of people are showing up in emergency rooms around the Bay Area worried they have Swine Flu (aka Mexican flu, aka Influenza A H1N1). What to do about it? Wash your hands, cover your cough/sneeze, wash your hands, stay home from work if you're sick, wash your hands. Oh...and did we mention, wash your hands!

[CDC: H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)]


  1. wow, this is mind-altering! thank god you are alive! you are doing the Lord's work! LMOA!!!!!!!

  2. Mexican flu? You should be more culture sensitive. You don't see any being homeless in the city they have dignity give them respect. No one called SARS the Chinese Virus.

  3. @Anonymous/11:09PM: Did you follow the 'Mexican flu' link?


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