
March 6, 2009

NVV: We Read It So You Don't Have To

The Noe Valley Voice is published ten times a year and has been a neighborhood fixture since 1977. Here are highlights from the latest issue. Links are to stories we've covered.

March 2009
  • Front page: Noe Valley housing market is slow, Whole Foods offering Tuesday shuttle, City College closing campus at James Lick, Upper Noe Rec Center not offering residents enough time to play, consignment stores busy.
  • Cost of Living in Noe: slow market, slightly cheaper; rents down a little from last year.
  • Letters: Bye-bye Bell; condemnation for evil candle-condemning priest; NVV attracts Fowler witch hunt, too.
  • NVDC: full coverage of last month's meeting.
  • Crime Beat: Capt Tacchini asking for more communication with residents; no Peace Blotter this time.
  • Feature: Elizabeth Street Brewery.
  • Store Trek: Just Awesome!, City Grill.
  • Rumors: suggests the reader reference Google for more information on the Obama candle "debate;" picked up more Fowler info from the Fowler family blogs; Contigo opens; Noe Soup likely not opening due to investor pull-out [Ed.-- Perhaps Tuttimelon can buy their conditional use permit]; CSAA is closing; Cover-to-Cover to offer free delivery; Basso's giving seniors a 15% discount.
  • Bonus: The Voice made it to Dover Castle, India, Thailand and even Florida, and the pictures to prove it are back.
[The Noe Valley Voice]


  1. The Voice's pictures from all over the world are still riding high on trips taken pre-recession. Next issue I predict that the Voice doesn't make it past Dolores Park.

  2. Why don't you link to the NVV's stories, or at least their webpage? You are taking all their content and giving nothing in return. Readers can't get to the story if they want to learn more, and you are just linking to your own stuff without giving the Voice any traffic. At this rate, we soon won't have a Noe Valley Voice for you to read for us. Parasitical, I say.

  3. Good comment. To be fair, we'd link to NVV if it actually published articles online at the same time it goes to print -- the print edition comes out near the beginning of the month and the online version goes live 2-3 weeks later. We provide a link to the NVV at the bottom of each post, but since their revenue model seems to be based on print ads (no ads on their website) we're content to let readers look for the newspaper at local businesses. We also link to the Voice whenever we use it for a source.

    We link to our stories because they're our stories. A quick look at the date stamp will show that we're not dependent on the Voice for content -- we do our own reporting.

    As for our revenue? Pennies a month. We're more interested in keeping the neighborhood informed. If you believe in what we do, please click an ad or two.


  4. @nickoneill
    You think the NVV will make it all the way over the hill? I'd be surprised if we get shots from Noe Courts or Day Street Park... :-)


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