
March 17, 2019

This Week in Noe Valley: A Rash of Tire Slashings, Signs of Spring and Local Art

The latest news from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: Spring via wandagogo

1 comment:

  1. 40 cars is closer to the true extent of the tire-slashing. In addition to the block mentioned in the article, vandal also worked his way along 25th from Church to Douglass. (Yes, "his" -- person who saw it happening called police and reported a man doing it.)

    A lot of idiots in a discussion of this on Nextdoor are justifying this as only fair because of income inequality or other such malarkey. "Serves you right for having the nerve to live in Noe Valley." A bunch of Teslas were affected but also some real junkers (some belonging to 20+ year Noe Valley residents) so it doesn't seem like "the rich" were targeted by the vandal ... only by these commenters!


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