
August 25, 2017

This Week in Noe Valley: Sheetcaking Against Hate, Eclipse Watching and Price Cuts Coming to Whole Foods

The latest news from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: No left Noe Valley via jezolo]


  1. What a more pleasant photo that would be without all those wires, poles, etc. . Now I see Sonic in the neighborhood adding more along with Wave.

  2. The previous anon voiced my thoughts exactly regarding the overhead wires in Noe. Why, I wonder, are we criss-crossed and cob-webbed with overhead wires while most of the rest of the city is clean and clear to the sky? What would it take? Does anyone know ... Is it a city responsibility? Or does the matter lie with PG&E? Isn't it time we undergrounded the wires in Noe?

  3. The rest of the city is not "clean and clear" of wires. Go look around.

    It is possible to underground, at GREAT COST, however to home owners. I have read of costs varying from $10-25k per property.

    Notice that most of Pacific Heights and certainly ALL of Outer Broadway is underground. The homeowners paid for it.

  4. Besides Sonic putting up more overhead wires I've seen their door hanger and frisbee looking advertisements blowing around in the wind on our neighborhood streets.

  5. Sonic has been working with Sup. Farrell on legislation to allow micro trenching to install below ground fiber without the massive cost associated with the usual trenching required to underground utilities. See here and here. You can find the ordinance here. It is currently pending in committee.


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