- Just in time for Halloween – the Noe Valley Town Square is here [CBS Local]
- Photo: From a gas station to a parking lot to a park [@SFParksAlliance]
- Peak Noe Valley [@johnsharkman]
- Halloween, Noe Valley style [@Spitter17]
- Noe Valley is still tops for trick-or-treating [SFGate]
- Odd: Cherry blossoms blooming in October [@StevePaulsonKTVU]
- Bom Dia Market is scheduled for final inspection on Halloween – will it come back to life? [NVSF]
- Closed: Le Zinc [@rosewinegrl]
- Shocker: Cow Hollow’s Real Food Co closes abruptly [Hoodline]
- Noe Valley Bakery opens a 2nd location in West Portal [@noevalleybakery]
- Hamlet adds oysters [hamlet_sf]