
January 16, 2016

This Week in Noe Valley: Parking in Noe Valley, Farmer’s Market Relocates and Saru Branches Out

The latest news from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: Town Square breaks ground via @scottwiener]


  1. After attending a neighborhood meeting last night with planning commissioners and representatives present it would seem Protecting Noe's Charms has overblown the "Trumping" of Noe Valley. According to those City planning representatives present they only expect 2 or 3 sites in Noe Valley to be built under the AHBP program in the next 20 years. They are focusing on "soft sites" (parking lots, ex gas stations, underutilized lots) which are nearly non existent in NV. London Breed is going to include rent controlled housing as not included under this program and also properties where an owner could Ellis out the tenants. They conceded that rent controlled housing is very much under pressure these days and are undertaking a study this year of the rent controlled housing stock. Some in the audience were skeptical and many did not even know about this meeting until the last minute.

  2. In the Pomelo blurb, it's should be its.

    If you can replace it[']s in your sentence with it is or it has, then your word is it's; otherwise, your word is its.


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