
April 18, 2015

This Week In Noe Valley: Save The Shack, 109th Anniversary Of The Big One, And Noe As Nowhere Valley

News from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: via slay_the_gnar]


  1. So, I'm wondering about those who want to "save the shack" on Valley St.

    Are you prepared to buy it and preserve it to "protect" Noe's charm?

    If not, then the owner/developer has every right to remodel/demo it per the current planning and building codes.

  2. Well, the "shack" is apparently "historic". While someone could buy a toxic waste site complying with clean-up codes, but it may cost.

  3. If I had the dough I would move the "shack" to the back of the lot and use it for a guest cottage and use the front part of the lot for something bigger. Once these little gems are gone, they are gone.


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