
March 14, 2015

This Week In Noe Valley: Mike's Shoe Resurfaces, First Apple Watch Spotted At Toast, And Other Signs Of The Times

News from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: Curbed]


  1. Id say yes that is theft. The shoe sign belongs on 24th as part of the streets history. Give it back and no harm done I say

  2. Um, it's not stealing. I bought that sign from Mike with the promise he could have it back or FREE if he opened shop again.

  3. Help bring an end to the epidemic of monster houses in Noe Valley. Please join us at a Community Meeting to be held:

    Tuesday, March 17
    at 6:00 p.m.
    at the Noe Valley/Sally Brunn Public Library
    451 Jersey Street
    (between Castro and Diamond Streets)

    This will be a great opportunity to meet other concerned neighbors facing imminent threat to the character of their blocks. There will be a report on the Corona Heights legislation, and we’ll talk about ways to help and get help.

  4. Umm it's stealing! Stealing from the neighborhood and putting it in the yard of your multi-million dollar home to add some interest to the property. Obviously it was one of the pieces that the Curbed article highlights.

    Have you reached out to Mike to see if he wants it back? Did you pay market price for the sign or get it for a steal?

    Obviously you saw an opportunity to knab an interesting decorative piece for your property. I doubt you were thinking about Mike when you proposed it to him. It most likely would still would be there above the space if you hadn't "taken" it.

    You should offer to put it back where it belongs if Mike doesn't want it anymore. It's the right thing to do.

  5. I am a neighbor on the block across from Mike's and I was there when the movers came to clean out the space. The trucks just showed up, no notice and within an afternoon, everything Mike didn't take with him went into those trucks to go the dump. The neighbor who took the sign rescued it from the garbage, he didn't "steal" it.

  6. This conversation makes me want to move out of the neighborhood, not the fact that a guy has a shoe sign on his fence.

  7. Hope whoever has the Shoe Renewing sign on their back fence was also able to get the blobs of plastic fat from Fit For Life to decorate with.


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