
March 3, 2015

Happy Donuts Is Back - Noe Valley Breathes Sigh of Relief

Y'all won't believe just how many people have contacted us about the status of Happy Donuts over the last couple months. Noe Valley's favorite 24/7 food purveyor closed in December with a promised opening date 2 weeks later. That was extended another 2 weeks. And then the signs disappeared after they failed a DBI inspection, prompting fear that they wouldn't reopen. Today we're happy to announce that you can once again get your 24 hour sugar high--Happy Donuts opened last night.
We assumed they closed for necesarry upgrades, cleaning or to install a fancy new marble counter. We didn't look for permit issues until the opening soon signs came down and the donuts were still MIA. We weren't the only ones curious. Neighbor Chris sent this today:
...It was a sudden development--one day the doors were locked, there was brown craft paper covering the windows, and a sign that said they were closed for "renovations". My wife & I thought this was dubious and just yesterday they reopened with zero renovations (that I could tell).

A quick search of SFDPH's food inspection database revealed a health score of 65 on 12/23/14 from a routine unscheduled inspection. (Any score below 70 is "poor" and a high risk.) They scored a 94 from a subsequent inspection on 2/6/14.

The idea that they were forced to close is a good theory. The DBI permit issued in October describes the project as a "Change of ownership upgrades required by SFDPH. Interior remodel." That permit has not been signed off on, FWIW. The plumbing permit issued in December indicates ADA upgrades to the bathroom and other kitchen upgrades. Neither permit address the non-ADA compliant step to get inside the shop. Alex confirms some updates:

Which is all good. But what people really want to know:

[Photo: @jdeeringdavis]


  1. I went by this afternoon and the only noticeable difference I saw were the new menu signs that are high up on the wall behind the counter. All the furniture and appliances look like the same ones they've had forever. I'm just glad they're back!

  2. And I am so relieved that the mural still exists. Was worried they would remodel to make it look new and without that 1970's donut worker vibe on the south wall.

  3. Just to clarify: the February 2014 inspection occurred 10 months prior (not subsequent) to the December 2014 inspection.

  4. Knowing that in an emergency there are donuts available nearby will help me sleep easier. I don't ever eat 3am donuts, but knowing I have the option is real luxury.

  5. Those health inspection reports don't appear to make sense. The February 2014 report shows there were violations of "unclean floors" and "low risk vermin infestation," with a date confirmed corrected on Dec. 23, 2014. But then the Dec. 23, 2014 report shows the same violation of "unclean floors" and now "high risk vermin infestation", which as of now have no correction date recorded. Why are violations from February that are the same or worse in December shown as confirmed corrected in December? Mysterious.

  6. Sorry but this is gross...

    Why do I have a feeling they are going to be remodeling again in the near future....

    It seems that the ongoing issues are not addressed, and I am a bit surprised that people still go there.

    No one else is grossed out?

  7. Ignorance is bliss.


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