
February 7, 2015

This Week In Noe Valley: Local Anti-Vaxxers, Crime Spree, And Glorious Rain Returns

News from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: Photo: Finally, rain! via Ingerl]

1 comment:

  1. RE: Donna Taylor and Bill Hoover's home

    I guess one can afford to own a place like this by evicting a tenant in exchange for greediness. A small and useful little garden shop called Independent Nature was evicted and replaced with a salon that charges $65+ for a hair cut! No wonder the salon can afford the increased rent. This is not a rant on the salon which I've not visited yet but sounds like a nice little local small business I can support but rather on the nerve of Donna Taylor and Bill Hoover who flaunt their home and render a small business owner homeless.


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