
September 6, 2014

This Week In Noe Valley: A Bank Robbery, Bagel Fights, And Other Mischief You May Have Missed

News from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: Fence of old doors on 22nd St steps via hellokeltie]


  1. Yes, well, as a recovering Jew from Connecticut struggling to find decent bagels here for the past 30+ years I agree that Holey Bagel is indeed the best bagel in SF (though Bagel Bakery isn't bad - it's not exactly nearby). Katz's are decent texture but tasteless, Noah's are an affront to the word "bagel", and House of Bagels are passable but no more. My mother used to FedEx 3 dozen bagels to me every few weeks until I found Holey Bagel decades ago.

  2. I'm puzzled by the linked-to tweet about Tacolicious, complaining about early morning noise from loading catering supplies from a garage. The Tacolicious Headquarters on Church Street has no garage whatsoever.


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