
August 2, 2014

This Week In Noe Valley: Mansion & Shacks, Murals & Alleys, Rants & Rumors

News from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: IKnowWhereYourCatLives]


  1. Robert (NV resident)August 4, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    No disrespect, but this blog is starting to look more like something a realtor would read and less of a community newspaper. 4 stories in this weeks blog about how expensive it is to rent/buy in Noe Valley? That seems a little lazy in my opinion. I researched back to the first blog of the year and you have blogged 32 times about the rental/buyers market in Noe Valley. (that's not including whats written in the NVV) Most of these have happened in the last 4 months. We get it, Noe Valley prices are ridiculous, but there HAS to be other news in this neighborhood besides housing costs.

  2. Robert, "if you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own."

    1. Anonymous - Thanks for providing your "anonymous" feedback. I am allowed to leave a comment asking for more news than real estate news in my local paper. If you actually read my comment (rather than go straight to attack mode", you will see that I said that Noe Valley has more news than rent and real estate. So don't be a troll and hide behind an anonymous moniker. 

      P.S. - for your information, I do make news. I was in this months Noe Valley Voice making a positive change in the neighborhood by getting crosswalk signs and repaint on a dangerous cross section of our neighborhood. What have you done?

  3. Robert (NV resident)August 7, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    Anonymous - Thanks for providing your "anonymous" feedback. I am allowed to leave a comment asking for more news than real estate news in my local paper. If you actually read my comment (rather than go straight to attack mode", you will see that I said that Noe Valley has more news than rent and real estate. So don't be a troll and hide behind an anonymous moniker.

    P.S. - for your information, I do make news. I was in this months Noe Valley Voice making a positive change in the neighborhood by getting crosswalk signs and repaint on a dangerous cross section of our neighborhood. What have you done?


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