
September 7, 2013

This Week In Noe Valley: The Best Cheese, A Zen Frathouse, And The Hubris Of NIMBYs

News from, about and for Noe Valley from around the interwebs:
[Photo: Dexter, overlooking his domain]


  1. WARNING to neighbors, cell phone thieves are getting bold, broke into a car in Walgreens lot to get phone, another incident similar at Safeways Diamond heights. Don't leave anything in view. APP on one of the cell phone showed the phone in Noe Valley .....

  2. Yes cell phone thieves are getting really bold and dangerous. I was walking my baby yesterday at 8:50 pm on 24th and Chattanooga and a thief gabbed over my should to get the phone and scared me. I wish with my baby and was helpless. I screamed like crazy and several people came to help me but he was already gone in a getaway car. They were watching me. Please don't take your phone out unless your are in an establishment, it's not worth it.

  3. Well those porto potties do look lovelier on the outside than your usual green plastic varieties.


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