
April 1, 2013

Town Square: A Giant Leap Forward

Some good news for supporters of the Noe Valley Town Square via email today:
Residents for Noe Valley Town Square (RNVTS) is pleased to announce that it is looking extremely likely that the Noe Valley Town Square is going to become a reality!

Representatives from Rec and Parks recently informed RNVTS that it is recommending to the Rec and Park Commission as well as the Board of Supervisors that the complete purchase of the Ministry's Parking Lot be financed by the Rec and Park Open Space Fund. This is fantastic news, but just the beginning of a long journey. After the parking lot is purchased by Rec and Parks, we still need to “build” a Town Square. This means we will need to continue to raise money from the community as well as work towards a positive outcome for our Prop 84 Urban Greening Grant from the State.

Please consider making a pledge today at

Here are the key dates and events to follow:
  1. Wed, April 3rd an "acquisition overview" will be presented to the Rec and Park Capital Committee Meeting.
  2. Thurs, April 18th the whole Rec and Park Commission will vote on whether to recommend the Noe Valley Town Square acquisition to the Board of Supervisors.
  3. Wed, May 22nd the Board of Supervisors Budget Finance Subcommittee will vote on whether to recommend the acquisition of the Town Square to the full BOS.
  4. Tues, June 4th the whole Board of Supervisors votes on whether to acquire the Town Square.
  5. If approved by the BOS, RNVTS will start collecting pledges on June 5th!
  6. If approved by the BOS, the City will own the parking lot free and clear by July 1, 2013 (which allows the RNVTS to apply for Prop 84 development funds from the State of CA.
This is all incredibly exciting and something that the greater Noe Valley Community should be very proud of accomplishing.

If you have not had a chance to make a pledge to the Town Square yet, please do so at

Todd David
[Noe Valley Town Square]


  1. Or we can just keep it as a parking lot.

  2. Wow!

    Kudos to Todd for sticking to this because the odds sure seemed long to me...

  3. We actually can not "just keep it as a parking lot." The Noe Valley Ministry has to sell the lot and the choice is between condo development or permanent open space.

    In either of those scenarios, the parking lot is gone.

    Todd David

    PS Thanks Murphstahoe--It is personally satisfying to work on a successful project and I am excited for the neighborhood.

  4. I hope there are some long-term plans to do something about the buildings which border it. There are too many places in the city where a nice space is bordered by huge blank walls for no good reason.

    And a mural is a stopgap, not a solution.

  5. great job Mr. David.......hopefully i can prove i am not a robot, but this blogs requirements are stringent....


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