
April 26, 2013

Real Foods: I Wish This Was...

It's been almost 10 years of lawsuits and blight since Real Foods abruptly shut its doors, and aside from the mural behind the glass this is one of the best things we've seen on site. From a frustrated neighbor:
Well, I've had these 10 stickers in my desk for probably 3 years now, always intending to go put them up at Real Food, and today I finally did! It wasn't more than a minute before people walked up and asked for my Sharpie so they could write on the stickers. The project is by Candy Chang and the stickers remove without any damage to the window, so it isn't vandalism. And really, after what will be TEN YEARS this September, when the heck are they going to make that space into something usable? What a waste!

Anyway, the responses that the first few people had were awesome. I'm sure the stickers will be gone by tomorrow, but for today I hope the 24th street walkers enjoy the statement.
As of 4:30 this afternoon there will still two blank stickers. What would you add? Some examples below.

[Candy Chang: I wish This Was]


  1. A really good lunchtime sandwich place.

  2. Why waste your time and perfectly good stickers?

    Let it be. move on.

  3. Another nattering nabob in Anon #2...

    I wish this was a great restaurant
    I wash this was an artist collective
    I wash this was a yoga studio
    I wash this was a community meeting space
    I wash this was foodie haven

    I wash this was not empty

  4. I thnk this is awesome. Should print a few hundred and let the rest of the neighborhood in on the fun.

  5. Can we post cards that say I wish this WERE?

    -- I speak on behalf of the subjunctive voice, since if this WERE anything other than what it IS but it is not, then it would be better.

  6. I walked by today...someone had written on one of the tags that they wanted a sex club. How's that for mixed use? Anything but a Trader Joe's -- seriously. Great store but a parking nightmare.

  7. I WISH this WERE an English classroom.

  8. I wish it were a manners school for Noe Valley residents.

  9. I wish anon @ 7:30 would go away.

  10. A real estate office with a bank located inside of it.

  11. @Anon @10:29PM:

    And a nail salon, perhaps?

  12. Homeless shelter for Noe Valley residents displaced by the banksters.

  13. I wish it were a pilates/barre studio or a great gym!

  14. I wish this were a hardware store!

  15. I wish this were a brewpub.


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