
January 12, 2013

Move Your Car

If you left your car in front of the driveway at 1190 Sanchez St (at 25th) you might want to move it. And bring cupcakes - the patience needed to put up a sign and not tow your car deserves a reward. Just sayin'.


  1. I agree! I am the sign poster (and strongly disagree with the tag 'passive agressive' (harumph!)...anyway, the culprit slinked off on Saturday evening while I was away, with no evidence left behind related to their error, gratitude, or other.

  2. How dare they not pay homage to the wonder and beauty that is your driveway. For shame!

  3. this person was kinder than i would have been....

  4. Kinder than me, as well. I give neighbors one chance; anyone else - ticketed or towed.

  5. Renting or owning, one pays a pretty price for the use of a driveway/garage. I also pay the hundreds of dollars to have my driveway painted by DPT as it is hard to get in and out of when cars are too close. IF someone parks in the red zone they do it at their own peril.

  6. @#1: Don't worry about the tag "passive-aggressive", the people who write this blog don't know what the term means and constantly mis-use it. It is just one of their many, not so bright habits.


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