
June 11, 2012

This Week At The Planning Commission: First Republic Bank Redux

A look at Noe Valley projects in front of the Planning Commission this week. Information is provided by the Planning Commission, and taken from its published agenda. All hearings are on Thursday at 1:30pm, Room 400 in City Hall.

June 14, 2012

3901 24TH STREET
- on the southwest corner of 24th and Sanchez Streets, Lot 001 in Assessor’s Block 6508 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 728.49, to convert a vacant ground floor commercial space into a financial service (d.b.a. First Republic Bank) within the 24th Street - Noe Valley Neighborhood Commercial District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions
The application is now online in PDF. Included is Planning Staff analysis and drawings. Not included this time is letters for or against. However, under "Public Comment" the analysis says this: "The Department received a number of e-mails, letters and telephone calls that expressed opposition to the Project. The Department received a number of letters that expressed support of the Project." So there's that.

[SF Planning: 3901 24th St (PDF)]
[NVSF: Announced: First Republic Bank]

1 comment:

  1. None of the conditions appear to amount to anything other than the ordinary ones imposed on all approved projects. So, it's basically a "Go" for the project.

    The Planning Department analysis is probably correct when it concludes that the new business would not result in, or would result in only a negligible, over-concentration of banks in the neighborhood (even with this new one, banks amount to well under 10% of the businesses in the district).

    Still, banks are dull, unless of course you are a customer of that bank, in which case it would be great to have a branch in the 'hood....


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