
June 1, 2012

311: Did You Know?

The photo above shows excrement and toilet paper flowing from a street-side sewer vent. Seriously gross, and a health hazard. What to do? A simple call to 311 to report the address and DPW will respond with a cleanup kit. 3 minutes of your time.

Getting the owners to fix their sewer line may take longer, but at least you won't have to worry about risks to you.

More info at


  1. Even better, they have iPhone apps that let you take pictures and send electronically. Makes it even easier to report things like graffiti and trash disposal.

  2. Also, the new single from Men In Black 3 is quite a good listen.

    In a surprising good mood,

    Typical Cranky Noe Neighbor

  3. make sure you read the sanfrancisco311 app discription,
    may i quote:
    "intutive tool empowering citizens to identify civic isisues (potholes... snow removal..."

    i think i will download this for the next blizard.


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