
March 27, 2012

Grand Opening: Philz Coffee

Philz Coffee Noe Valley officially opens tomorrow: "Grand opening at our new Noe Valley store tomorrow!! Come by and see us :)" That's Wednesday, March 28th, for those of you keeping track of these things.

Update (3/28):
"The inspector couldn't come to sign off. Our new target opening is Friday. See you then."

Philz Coffee
4298 24th St at Douglass

[Photo: @Philz_Coffee]


  1. Not open as of 7:30 AM this morning.

  2. I went at 6AM - still not open! Hurry Philz we need you!

  3. I'm really hoping that Phillz gets a parklet in front of it. We can sit out front and reminisce about the days when there used to be neighborhood hardware stores and no cookie trucks.

  4. Another coffee shop? Why dont you just open another nail salon? Dog Joke. Baby joke. Parking complaint. Yuppie joke. Comment about how things arent what they used to be.

    Typical Cranky Noe Neighbor

  5. Noe Valley equation: 24th Street Parking x $3.75 coffee - a hardware store + a cookie truck + a parklet % A squared = Bernie's is getting shafted!

  6. You all seem to forget how the free market system works:

    If people don't patronize Philz, it will fail.

    Same goes for Bernies, Marthas, Starbucks, etc.

  7. I went over to Philz and they are apparently not open until Friday. I am so angry that I'm going to boycott them for two days! Oh wait . . .

  8. When is "Typical Cranky Noe Neighbor" going to get a twitter handle? His stuff is great.

  9. I don't twitter but you can follow my ebay handle where I sell balls, toys and frisbees that end up in my yard.


  10. Don't you mean "4298 24th St at Douglass"?

  11. what's with all the noisy annoying bikers at Twin Peaks? they must roar through other parts of Noe at 2am setting off car alarms, etc.

  12. Love the Typical Noe Valley Cranky Neighbor! Noe Nate, why can't we click on you and see more of your bitterness? I guess I could easily spot you on the street with a dark cloud over your head ;)Seriously, cheer up, dude! Cookie Truck is fun and the more coffee shops, the more choices! And, go save Tuggy's!

  13. So exactly how will we "save" tuggey's?

    not gonna happen. they are doomed.


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