
June 20, 2011

Street Trees: FUF Planting Day This Summer

Reader Raphael is new to Noe Valley and is already trying to make things greener. He contacted Friends of the Urban Forest and is looking for people to organize a tree planting day in Noe Valley:
Want a tree in front of your home? Want more trees on your block? Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF) is coming to Noe Valley for a Neighborhood Tree Planting this summer, and you're invited to participate.

FUF is a non-profit group that makes it easy and affordable for San Franciscans to get new trees in front of their properties. If you want a tree, you pay only $75 (for most trees); FUF covers 80% of the costs through the generosity of its funders and donors (FUF also offers a limited number of free trees; ask whether you qualify). In return, FUF provides the tree, permit processing, site preparation including concrete removal, two post-planting tree care visits, and a new tree owner's manual.

The tree recipient chooses the species; FUF's arborists recommend the species that are most likely to be suitable for the location. FUF coordinates the tree planting, which generally happens on a Saturday morning and includes the tree recipients, FUF staff and volunteers working side-by-side. Neighborhood Tree Plantings are community events that conclude with a potluck lunch.

Street trees beautify the neighborhood, increase property values, clean the air, reduce storm-water runoff, provide wildlife habitat, and generally improve the health and livability of the urban environment. To sign up for a tree or get more information, contact Doug at 415-268-0773 or
So sign up, select a tree and meet some neighbors. Most every block in Noe Valley could use some new trees, and while you wait for yours you can work on creative anti-dog-poop-signs.

See our 2009 post on FUF plantings for links to required applications.

[NVSF: Friends Of The Urban Forest Noe Valley Tree Planting]
[Photo: Friends of the Urban Forest]

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic, thanks for sharing! When I investigated adding a tree at the front my home/sidewalk, the cost of permits + cement removal + planting, appeared to be well over $400. (Plus my time to figure out how to navigate all of this). I am going to follow up, this is an unbelievable deal! What a treat.


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