
September 13, 2009

Tibits: Upcoming Events

Too shy to hang out at Elizabeth Street Brewery? Richard is participating in the Great America Beer Festival and for a limited time (like maybe another week) you can sample his beer at at 21st Amendment.

The Noe Valley Book Club is meeting on September 16th at the Noe Valley Library to discuss Suite Française by Irene Nemirovsky. More information from Cary Friedman at

La Ciccia is hosting a paired-wine dinner on October 5th featuring Argiolas Winery (of Sardinia, of course). A four course meal with wine is $105/person (plus tax/tip). No online reservations. (415) 550-8114.

Big Blue Bucket: "Learn how to go green, and turn your beautiful home blue! Join the SFPUC and support San Francisco’s efforts to become more eco-friendly! Take advantage of conservation programs and services, FREE giveaways and raffle prizes!" September 26th.

CC Puede is looking for help with their Parking Day event on Cesar Chavez. To volunteer, send a note to Dan Sherman ( or show up at Mission Pie September 15th at 6:30pm. The plan is for a medical/nursing team to "give real health care to attendees, including the local day laborer community." Too far away? Plan a Parking Day event in Noe Valley. Be sure to let us know about it.

Finally, through the Twittersphere we learn that this year's Noe Valley Harvest Festival will be October 24th. Entertainment includes Wee the Band (above). More info on the Harvest Fest as the date approaches.


  1. Any word on Noeteca's opening? I walk my dogs past there every day, but the wraps are still on.

  2. We were going to post that the paper was off Friday PM and then they put it back up. update.

  3. peeked in around the paper today and it looks almost ready to go but not stocked yet. Smells like wood varnish. I'd guess a week or 10 days?

  4. Quick update from reader Adam Martin at San Francisco Grubstreet: Noeteca got its health permit today and plans to open by the end of the month.


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