
September 25, 2009

Moving: Noe Valley's Most Famous D-Bag

Except for the occasional hate mail for daring to mention his name, we haven't heard anything of Stephen Fowler since his notorious stint on Wife Swap. Now he's moving on - his 6 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 4400sf home at 4218 25th St is for sale for a little under $3M. Check out The Front Steps for details.

[TFS: Wife House Swap San Francisco, Stephen Fowler Moving On…]
[NVSF: Fowling Noe Valley]


  1. Does the price include hiring a multi-faith group of clerics to come and burn the douchebaggery out of that place?

  2. what a wonderful thing to happen to Noe Valley...finally getting rid of both of them...glad they are moving on and away.

  3. But will we have to put a historical marker on the house now?

  4. It's in contract. Ciao Stevo. No more reality shows for you.

  5. You guys are so judgemental. You don't even know him or his wife; you just like to spit out snarky comments b/c of something you saw on youtube. Noe Valley residents are exhibiting the exact behavior they are slagging him for. I thought this neighborhood was a "community." Why isn't the "community" supporting the Fowlers through this mess? All you're doing is gossiping.

  6. Thanks to Balloon Dad Fort Collins has replaced Noe Valley as home to the most reviled Wife-Swapper anyway.

  7. Uhh...did I miss something? Something on TeeVee, called "wife swap" or some such? I have no idea what you're talking about. Sounds like there's a reason to continue to not watch.


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