
July 10, 2009

This Weekend In Noe Valley

Upper Noe residents calling themselves the Ladybug Gardeners kick off a monthly cleanup of the grounds at Upper Noe Rec Center this Saturday from 9:00AM-12:00PM. "We will have a City gardener and some tools. But bring gloves, your hand tools, water and a smile." This event will repeat on the first Saturday of every month. If you'd like more info, or to be notified of future events contact Joan Lionberger.

Tomorrow is also the Friends of the Urban Forest Noe Valley tree planting event. Didn't attend the meeting but still want to help? Send a note to or call FUF at (415)561-6890 x110.

Saint James Church on Guerrero and 23rd is hosting a bake sale on Sunday, July 12 from 11:00AM-1:00PM. Proceeds will help to restore the 125 year old stained glass windows.

Anyone know of other events? Besides high summer at the Farmer's Market? In the comments, please.

[NVSF: Friends Of The Urban Forest Noe Valley Tree Planting]
[Photo: LadyBugRescue]

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