
July 21, 2009

Lose Your Dog?

From MH:
Found 7/20 4Pm, Shorthair pointer mix, liver and white spots, 5 year old male. Very friendly. Held at Noe Valley Pet Company 282-7385 till 7PM- then call Animal Care and Control 554-6364.


  1. Maybe if the owner put the dog on a LEASH like the LAW REQUIRES they'd still have the dog. Too many moronic dog owners in Noe Valley - leash your animals, people. They're animals, they're not people. You're in a city. There's a law. You chose to bring a dog into this city; obey the law.

  2. Does anyone know what happened to the dog? Did it go to Animal Care and Control?

    To the previous comment: Some "Owners" tire of their dogs and dump them.

  3. And some dogs are pretty crafty and slip their leash. I've been though 6 collars and am still not batting 1000 with Audrey.

  4. Oh come now, excuses excuses. So these things perhaps DO happen but I see dogs trailing happily behind or in front of their ignorant, arrogant, boneheaded owners everytime I'm on 24th street, scaring the crap out of my little kid. Keep the damned critters on a leash...crafty my ass.

  5. Keeping one's dog off leash seems to be an increasing problem here in Noe. I cannot believe how often I have an issue with a dog coming after mine. My dog is always on a leash! I now have about an incident a day and it is completely unacceptable. Sometimes I see a dog blocks away from their owner. It's either complete laziness or these people think they are so cool to not have their dog on a leash. Something needs to be done!

  6. and to murphstahoe- give me a break, there are plenty of options to leash your dog besides by their collar. Bet your dog can't get out of a harness.....this is the kind of stupidity that manifests this problem.

  7. well, in my defense, the only time Audrey jumps enough to slip the leash, it is due to a conflict caused by an off-leash dog.

    The choker collar we have now has pretty much solved the "problem",I put "problem" in quotes because this happened maybe a couple of times a year - which was enough to go after better restraint systems (and I do own a harness that is used when the occasion calls for it).

    When we encounter an off-leash dog who shows aggressiveness, the only answer I have is to drop the leash completely and let the dogs sort it out themselves. Otherwise the aggression will not cease at risk to both dogs and any people nearby.

    This is not the answer I want - dog owners kept their dogs on leash outside of the dog parks. And it doesn't matter if your dog is well trained and perfect, once it is interacting with other dogs, most of whom will be on-leash, no amount of training will help.

  8. defense taken. so now what do we do about all these off leash aggressive dogs running a muck in our area? There are quite a few and I am sure the ones you encounter are the same as the ones I do - REPEATEDLY. Only my dog is NOT of the fighting back kind. She is totally submissive and now most new dogs, friendly or not, she is timid of. It shouldn't be this stressful taking dogs out for a walk. People need to obey the law!

  9. Whenever I TELL an owner to put their dog on a leash they act as though it's my problem...and it can become my problem because they can get aggressive and violent. These are unstable people...we need to call the dog catcher...we DO have dog catchers in SF, right? Or am I living in a bygone era? No, don't answer that...

  10. Agree completely Godot. And most of the time, they won't leash their dog up when asked. I called animal control several times and they want the address of where they live and then they will go out there. Ridiculous. I am going to keep calling and pushing that something needs to be done. The more people that do this though the better and maybe we might just get somewhere. The city needs revenue right? All they need to do is drive around Noe/Castro and they can hand citations out left and right!

  11. Today a child was crawling on my lap while sitting at a cafe on 24th St. Not my child. Parent didn't care. Who do I call about that? Is there a potential revenue stream?

  12. Was the child showing signs of aggression?

  13. Same type of people with out of control kids that have out of control dogs and do NOTHING about it. Not sure what the business opportunity is; maybe tranquilizer dart production and distribution? Heh heh..

  14. Dogs, kids, too many nail salons. We have a rough life in Noe Valley.


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