
June 22, 2009

This Week At The Planning Commission

A weekly look at Noe Valley projects in front of the Planning Commission. Information is provided by the Planning Commission, and taken from its published agenda. All hearings begin at 1:30pm, Room 400 in City Hall.

June 25, 2009

4024 26th Street - Informational presentation on the status of the project.
Really? That's it? Granted the economy has taken its toll (it's been over two months since a Noe Valley project was heard by the Planning Commission), but this is all we got?

The major item on the agenda this week is the long-awaited certification of the final Environmental Impact Report for the San Francisco Bicycle Plan. Hundreds of people are expected to show up for public comment before the Planning Commission is expected to certify the EIR, adopt CEQA and then begin adopting amendments to the Plan. The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition's perspective is here. And here's a list of links on Google for stories about the guy who created the delay.

[NVSF: 4024 26th St, previously]
[Planning Commission: June 25, 2009]
[SFGov: 2009 San Francisco Bicycle Plan]
[SFBC: Citywide Bicycle Network]

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