
May 27, 2009

NVMPA: Help the Farmer's Market Help US!

The Tuesday Market Needs Promotion!

Volunteers from the Saturday market went to a great deal of effort to create the midweek, Tues night market to help add life to the merchant corridor during the week. The market is struggling and there is a lot more we can do to support. Just hanging a poster and putting a handout on your counter does a lot. Perhaps it would help if some of us stood out at the Saturday market and talked up the Tuesday evening market. Let's get behind the Farmer's Market efforts to stimulate the Noe Valley economy!

Email to get a pdf of the poster/handouts, or swing by Video Wave to pick some up!

Call with questions or suggestions. Thank you! Gwen 509-6261


  1. In addition to supporting the Tuesday farmer's market, you could stimulate the Noe Valley economy even more by removing the restaurant moratorium on 24th and letting poor tutti melon sell its fro yo.

  2. Additionally, I would like to see a stroller tax go into effect, especially for double wides. That money could then go into a street planting program, especially along Sanchez st. where there are desolate blocks needing trees and more green.


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