
May 29, 2009

Crime Beat

Information is from Mission and Ingleside District San Francisco Police Station newsletters.
May 28

Robbery -- 11:50PM. 1400 block of Church St. While walking in the above area, female victim was approached from behind by two male subject wearing dark clothing and hooded sweatshirts. One subject pointed a handgun at the victim and demanded her bag. Subject took victims bag containing her computer.


  1. Man, that's disconcerting.

    Yes, I know. I live in a city. There is crime. But, handgun muggings just a few blocks away from home? Sigh.

  2. This happened to my friend, I was the one that called 911... She wasnt hurt, but is pretty shaken up. The cops said this has been happening a lot lately. Be careful out there. Hopefully nothing happnes to you, but if you can, the best thing you can do is to try and get a license plate number.

  3. We are now in an expensive neighborhood and that is what these people know. They see Google and think money. Well I am not money but am still not without a wallet or a watch. Everyone in Noe needs to really be cautious. I remind my friends who leave my place with a laptop or gym bag to be careful. The douce bags who rob are desperate and will come at you for anything.

    How about a class at one of these farmers markets? A class on being smart!

  4. this just happened to two friends of mine, same exact situation, last night at 11pm... near the same location. What can be done about this?

  5. Ario - do you know the exact location of the event? My friend is the one who it happened to last week and I'd like to get her this info so the police can add it to her report....or maybe they can combine the info?

  6. Ario - did your friends file a report? The Ingleside station hasn't included this incident in their reports over the last few days.

  7. Noe Valley, SF - where can you find the Ingleside reports? I've tried to find them online but can't find them.

  8. To get the Mission newsletter (north part of Noe covered), send a note to

    To get the Ingleside newsletter (south part of Noe covered), send a note to

    Information is also available on

    In any case, it really depends on the station. Ingleside publishes their newsletter almost every day. Mission every few weeks on average.


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